Hey, someone actually took fox news seriously
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I take every news outlet seriously - even the ones who I think sometimes publish bold faced lies - because they all tell us something.
Even their silence is communicative.
In Nazi Germany, transgender people were prosecuted, barred from public life, forcibly detransitioned, and imprisoned and killed in concentration camps. Though some factors, such as whether they were considered "Aryan", heterosexual with regard to their birth sex, or capable of useful work had the potential to mitigate their circumstances, transgender people were largely stripped of legal status by the Nazi state.
The GOP court will be following reactionary tradition.
This is what Make America Great Again means: persecution of the people they hate.
Notice, though, this is about minors receiving life altering surgical procedures for a condition that is highly debatable... It can be said to be an attempt to prevent the mutilation of the healthy bodies of minors, and taking a stand to be good stewards of them.
I'd also point out that the very first successful transgender surgery was in 1952, and even the language around transgenderism was not even beginning to be fixed in the 1970s, not even among activists (immortalized in the name of the group 'STAR').
Trans people only existed in a very broad, big tent sense of the definition.
Perhaps a few of them were even members of the SA, that was famously purged due to its homosexuality. Nazism did embrace paganism and at different points even hinted at the future practice of polygamy. They even had 'breeding' programs. It is not hard to imagine a scenario where they would have been more pagan and receptive to ideas about homosexuality, though I suppose what ultimately prevents this is not Christianity, but the evolutionary view of homosexuality as a sign of social unfitness.
IDGAF about your fascist apologetics.
I'm not taking to you, I'm talking about you.
Conservatives mad on Twitter isn’t controversy worth discussing. Shoo troll.
A Justice's highly questionable comparison between interracial marriage and transitioning the genders of minors through permanent medical procedures is worth discussing.
Jackson is complaining that precedence is not being used while ignoring precedence that states have the authority to determine which medical procedures will be permitted in their state.