The Outrunners prerolls are always money.
Well that was definitely a rap that Max spent 62% of the normal amount of time on before giving up and running it unfinished....?!
I also want to put forth a moratorium request: Once Bryan Danielson retires, we also retire the phrase "best wrestler in the world" and it's derivatives when in regards to being used by specific wrestlers because it's getting old and having Max fucking Caster walking around with a jacket saying he's the best anything is like a 60 year old walking around saying skibidi whatever-in-the-fuck. It's over, stop it.
Not a fan of it unless his gimmick is going to be him becoming more and more delusional.
him becoming more and more delusional.
..I mean..
It's the mustache
ππ Mariah really edged her world title celebration for a few months and got a PPV spot
Pah Pah Pah Powerhouse!
There are a few other guys that like to hurt people on the roster that Hobbs would be great friends with
That would be one big ass squad!
Komander sold the shit out of that thrust kick
"This is bordering on child abuse."
Nigel π
Shelton has been presented like a super soldier so far. Lashley gotta be damn near a superhero
He at least looks the part!
100%, even his mannerisms. Outside of Swerve, he's been a machine that toys with his good before brutally finishing them
I'm glad they are. I just didn't want Shelton to be horribly over-shined by Lashley but they're doing it right.
I'm down for a Lio Rush push
Same, I need to see him go full Blackheart at least a couple times during his run.
How are we supposed to watch the rest of the show after getting all hot and bothered by the first match?
In anticipation of Mina and Mariah having a champagne bath later
(I wanna know if that was a work or a rib but I do feel work lmao)
Johnny TV and MXM hanging together is just some fuc--wait is that motherfucker's braids up in some Sailor Moon buns cause jesus christ Mason you are not surprising me here you otaku motherfucker lmao
*starts episode*
What the fuck is a No DQ "Rubber Match" and why do I no longer care the moment I heard Mina's music?
Both women took some insane bumps
That goddamn superplex bump, ow
Jack Perry done made a mistake
Jack gonna end up in a basement in a gimp suit before the night is over
"You wanna know why they call me Daddy Magic?"
Jack looking like a HoF bag fumbler rn
So it's looking like Hurt Syndicate is going to be adding Max Caster
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