I bought one of those watches and wore it out of the store, left a huge red circle welt on my skin after it over heated in 1 minute and I couldn't get it off my wrist, haven't worn it since and the store wouldn't take it back.
I don't quite understand the appeal of smart watches besides fitness tracking. Is it so you can see notifications on your wrist without having to take yoru phone out of your pocket?
I'll give you my personal experience, as someone who didn't wear a watch at all until a few years ago. Got a new job, and we aren't allowed to be on our phones. I still wanted access to my notifications, to ensure I didn't miss anything important (family emergency, camera activity at home, etc etc.), so I bought a smart watch. I can give my notifications a quick glance, and if it's important, I'll step away and address it with my phone.
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