submitted 2 months ago by dystop@lemmy.world to c/workreform@lemmy.world
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[-] Son_of_dad@lemmy.world 134 points 2 months ago

Unionize people. I joined a union and there's no "we're a team" bullshit or the boss going "do me a favor". 4pm hits, you drop what you're doing and go home. You get paid for your job, and the union fees are nothing considering the pay is way higher for union workers in my field.

[-] BCsven@lemmy.ca 20 points 2 months ago

Depends on the Union, sadly. My wife was a Union rep, she had a grievence, the higher up union leaders and the employer met ahead of her scheduled meeting and screwed her over in the grievance meeting. I'm not sure if she was more mad at losing the grievance, or having to pay dues to be screwed by the union.

[-] ReiRose@lemmy.world 46 points 2 months ago

This happens at my job too. Overall the benefits of my union far outweigh how shit they are and the union dues. I'd rather have a crappy union than none at all.

I know my company would screw me over much worse than my union and company combined if there was no union.

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this post was submitted on 29 Apr 2024
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