nuff said

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[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 152 points 10 months ago

Maybe.... I don't know, just throwing ideas out there.... you shouldn't have Musked all over Twitter nor fired its core developers? Again, just thinking out loud....

[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 41 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Not even just that... Alienates all potential leftwing/brand friendly advertiser's through changes and being the spokesperson for the platform.

"We're down 50% how could this have happened?????" - Elon Musk

Dude needs to stfu, make an alt account. He has chosen to be the spokesperson for the platform. Spouting off conspiracies and controversial takes. You can't be surprised nobody wants to associate with him.

He is a liability and a brand risk. Sure he can have his opinions but here is the problem...

He has chosen to be extremely public and force those opinions onto the average consumer feed due to his narcissistic tendencies and it is biting him in the ass.

No sympathy. He wanted free speech, (albeit it isn't because he is okay as long as it doesn't criticise him or his affiliates.) now he has his free speech platform but in the same way advertisers can chose not to engage with it.

[-] islandofcaucasus@lemmy.world 20 points 10 months ago

make an alt account

But then nobody would know it's him and the tweets would get no attention

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this post was submitted on 15 Jul 2023
2489 points (97.9% liked)


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