this post was submitted on 05 Feb 2025
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Seems like a mixed guide generally. It's fine, just some complaints:
Ironic that this comes from the EFF. Passphrases are much better for this type of stuff, and diceware is practically the gold standard to generate
More of a small complaint, but SimpleX is probably better if you're aiming for as much security/privacy as possible.
However if you will, use and torbot for android.
I don't know too much about iCloud but i wouldn't trust apple with anything.
Here's some good alternatives:
No criticism, just FYI this is called if you'd like to know more.
I'm pretty tired so i may have missed or written BS on top, please correct me if i am.
I’m completely new to SimpleX can someone explain it? Is it a protocol, an app?
Its an app that uses no user ids at all. It's probably the most private chat app available.
For more information see