this post was submitted on 24 Jan 2025
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My palm treo 650 was the most badass phone ever
Yep. While Android can do far more, the Treo keyboard kicked ass.
Sick ringtones too
Ooh, midi tones!
Though the Treo could use MP3 for tones too. It could also play video files, I remember watching Mars Attacks on a flight. Ate the hell out of battery, but I always carried multiples.
It was truly the first viable smart phone. With a wifi SD card, I could browse the web (albeit with terrible speed and a pitiful browser, but better than other mobile devices at the time) and sync to my laptop over wifi.
I had an sd card with a horribly compressed version of the first season of aqua teen hunger force on mine. People were so jealous, probably (they weren’t)