Elon has responded to the criticism and is increasing the limits to a whopping:

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[-] ijeff 128 points 11 months ago

There's some interesting context:

In 2018, Twitter signed a $1 billion contract with Google to host some of its services on the company’s Google Cloud servers. Platformer reports Twitter recently refused to pay the search giant ahead of the contract’s June 30th renewal date. Twitter is reportedly rushing to move as many services off of Google’s infrastructure before the contract expires, but the effort is “running behind schedule,” putting some tools, including Smyte, a platform the company acquired in 2018 to bolster its moderation capabilities, in danger of going offline. Engadget, June 11, 2023

[-] whoami@lemmy.world 128 points 11 months ago

So tl;dr appears to be - Elon refuses to pay Twitter hosting bills, migration plans to a different provider fall behind as pretty much all of the technical talent has been fired or quit, inevitably gets throttled by GCP for non-payment and then introduces "emergency measures" by throttling their user base themselves to try and mitigate it all. The man truly is a visionary.

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 11 points 11 months ago
[-] ledgecake@lemmy.world 9 points 11 months ago

Makes me wonder what gcp would to my resources if I stopped paying

[-] killernova@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago

Straight to jail.

[-] fidodo@lemmy.sdf.org 31 points 11 months ago

Excuse me for a second.


[-] Elliott@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

THIS is what happened. I'd bet solid money on it.

this post was submitted on 01 Jul 2023
885 points (97.0% liked)


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