Partner Communities (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by _MoveSwiftly@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

To partner with our community and be included here, you are free to message the moderators or comment on our pinned post.

What is 196? (lemmy.world)

What does "rule" mean? Is there any common theme to what is posted there? Is it humor? Is it a massive Reddit inside joke?

I think this is what being a Boomer must feel like.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by denton@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

How do I upload images such that they show in the community instead of having to click to open the post to see the image? (see image)


@nostupidquestions Can I post here from Mastodon?

I think its a popular but not well answered question right now.

I want to know whether I can create a post on Lemmy, by just using a mention from Mastodon.


Especially if they're made in an engine that has been previously optimised, for example.

Like, right now, my Nvidia Geforce Experience app is telling me to update to the "Game ready driver" for Diablo 4.

What is Diablo 4 doing so uniquely that it can't make full use of the general purpose firmware that is already there? Surely, it wouldn't have been designed in a way that would run poorly unless Nvidia made a new version that set straight their performance blunders, right? What are they doing here?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by teflocarbon@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

We recently had our heater changed to a heat pump and whilst producing the same amount of heat, it's also very energy efficient, using a good chunk less energy than our previous heater.

How do they work and how are they so damn efficient?


And if it is possible to correct your vision with the camera lens, can the picture then be printed with the same clarity for the poor vision haver?


I get that actors are expensive, but how does it ever get to insane numbers like 350 million (for endgame) and 200 million (for titanic).

Am I missing some insane cost? And why do some of the best movies ever suddenly cost a lot less?


My niece lives now lives with me (10 years old) and doesn’t like me calling it “bedtime”… it’s “baby-ish”… but she doesn’t have an alternate suggestion. I’m open to ideas?


I recently created a community for the practice of semen retention. It is an ancient practice and has ties to Taoism. For me and others it is largely for the sake of self improvement and spiritual / material progress.

I posted on a new communities forum and the post almost immediately has garnered several downvotes. I'm genuinely confused as to why. The practice is not hurting anyone, nor is it rude or offensive.


Can i move my account to some other server?


Modding on either Reddit or Lemmy seems like a lot of work. It's like a part time job where you don't get paid. What do the mods get out of their labor?


Every time I try to spread butter or jam over a slice of toasted bread using a steak knife instead of a butter knife, I never seem to be able to spread the topping that evenly.

I know I could figure this out if I just used my brain or paid slightly more attention while buttering the toast. But if I went to that effort, I could have just as easily gotten out a proper butter knife and made the whole issue moot, and I'm definitely too lazy to do that, so here we are.

Slight caveat: the steak knife in question is non-serrated, if that makes any difference.


I can only log in when I change my password. I do not know why this happens or how to solve it. The log in button keeps spinning but it does nothing. There must be something I am missing but I don’t know what. I am sorry.


I just found out @Midwest.social exists after finding the Chicago community there. I was trying to list out other communities on that instance and couldn't quite figure it out. Do I have to visit Midwest.social in order to list them, or is there a way to do it from lemmy.world?


Still trying to get my bearings here.

My account is through Lemmy.World and when I visit the Movies and TV community through lemmy.world/c/moviesandtv@lemmy.film, I only see a few posts. But when I visit https://lemmy.film/c/moviesandtv, there's a lot more activity.

Did I mess something up in my settings or is this normal? Do I need to have multiple accounts for other instances?

Thanks, y'all.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by mathterdark@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world


(EDIT: I’m not actually going to do it. This is purely hypothetical.)

Is Taylor swift? (programming.dev)

Anyone know her 40 yard dash time?


I mean there's Reddit ofc, as well as Twitter in its entirety, Discord is implementing some dumb updates, there are issues with Tumblr as well as everything to do with Meta, and I'm sure there are plenty more (and I haven't even touched other digital media, for example the Sims). Why is it all happening in the span of about a couple months?

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