submitted 2 months ago by lwadmin@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

Removal of piracy communities

Hello world!

Some of you will already have noticed that we have removed some piracy related communities from Lemmy.World during the last day.

Lack of communication

First off, we want to address the lack of communication.

Not everyone in our current admin team has been with us long enough to be aware of the previous issues and discussions related to these communities and the impact this has on our community.

We should absolutely have published this announcement when or before we removed the communities, not hours later. After realizing this mistake, we would have liked to write this a lot earlier already, but we were all busy with irl things, that we just didn’t have time for it.

Lemmy.World is run by volunteers on their personal time, nobody here gets paid for what we do.

Removed communities

Next, we want to explain how we got to the decision to remove these communities.


A lot of the recent content posted to this community included images instructing users to visit a specific website to obtain a copy of the release that the post is about. These instructions were in the form of Type in Google: visit-this.domain. The domain referenced in these posts is entirely focused on video game piracy and providing people with access to copyright infringing material.

While there may be legal differences between whether one is linking to specific content on a domain or just linking to the domain itself, such as linking to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_piracy compared to linking to https://en.wikipedia.org/, we do not consider this to be clear enough in laws and previous lawsuits that linking to just the domain is acceptable, if that domain is primarily about distributing copyright infringing material. We therefore do not allow linking to such domains. Additionally, we do not see a significant difference between posting a link directly to a website and embedding said link in an image, so we treat them equally.


This community is, for the most part, just about discussing various topics related to piracy. We do not at all mind discussion about this topic, and if it had been limited to that, this community would be fine.

This community, however, contains a pinned Megathread post by a community moderator, which, through a few levels of a pastebin-like site, provides an aggregated overview of various sources of content. Some of these sources are entirely legal content, but it intentionally includes various other references, such as the website referred to from the CrackWatch community, which are primarily intended for copyright infringement.

lemmy.dbzer0.com is willing to accept this content on their instance, as well as the potential legal risk coming from this, which they’re free to do.

We do not plan to defederate from lemmy.dbzer0.com, but we will continue to remove communities that are directly facilitating copyright infringement. @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com, the admin of lemmy.dbzer0.com, is a great person, and we have no problems with him as a person. This is just a matter of different risk tolerance.


Same as [!piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com](/c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com).

Why have the piracy communities been restored previously? What changed?

Currently, based on the memories of team members involved in the decision back then, it appears that there was a misunderstanding between the community moderators and Lemmy.World admins in how the community will be moderated going forward, as well as which types of content are allowed.

Lemmy.World expected/assumed that links to websites primarily focused on facilitating distribution of pirated content would be disallowed in these communities.

The community moderators however do tolerate references to such websites, as long as people are not linking to individual content directly.

We suspect that this may have been missed during our original review when restoring the communities, which lead us to previously restoring these communities.

Why now?

We have recently received a takedown request for content not directly related to these communities, but it prompted us to review other piracy related content and communities.

Terms of Service clarification

Last, as we’ve reviewed our Terms of Service, we have updated our wording here to make it more clear what is and what isn’t allowed when it comes to piracy. This was already covered by "Do not post illegal content of any type. Do not engage in any activity that may […] facilitate or provide access to illegal transactions" in section 4, but we have now added section 4.1 to better explain this.

We apologize for the delays in communication.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by lwadmin@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

What’s the Problem?

Over the past few weeks we have been receiving large amounts of activity requests from kbin instances, primarily kbin.social. The issue is intermittent and the root cause is unknown. It appears as though some process occasionally gets stuck in a loop on the kbin side. For example, a legitimate user may upvote a post in one of our communities, causing kbin to send an upvote action, then an undo action, then an upvote action again, an undo action again, and on and on.

This is not straining lemmy.world’s infrastructure at the moment. However, it does create enough network traffic to be problematic for the Lemmy network in general because these activity requests get passed on to other instances. Some instances have already struggled to keep up with normal traffic from lemmy.world due to how Lemmy processes activity requests (see https://reddthat.com/post/15383278, for more info). When this kbin issue occurs it multiples our outbound traffic and makes the problem worse. The additional activity requests can easily triple the number of outgoing activities from lemmy.world to other instances.

Short-Term Fixes

As a temporary fix we are currently blocking all incoming activity requests from kbin.social.
Users on that site are effectively "read-only" in lemmy.world communities at the moment.

We are hoping to replace the current block with a rate limit on incoming kbin activities. Unfortunately, it may take a few days before the lemmy.world infrastructure team has time to implement that.

We were initially banning the individual users whose actions were being repeated, with the intention of unbanning them when the repeated requests stopped. However, the problem has persisted, and that game of whack-a-mole is manual and too time-consuming. It also gives the impression that those users had done something wrong, which is not the case.

Long-Term Solution

We have reached out to Ernest, who is the kbin dev and kbin.social admin. So far we have not received a response. Ultimately, this appears to be a bug on the kbin side. Hopefully he will be able to dig into this issue soon and resolve it. Until then, we will try to mitigate it on our end as best we can.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for bearing with us.

For some recent history regarding this issue please see these comments:

submitted 11 months ago by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

Please create or suggest Communities for Lemmy.world. I’m considering making Community creation for admins only, but for now it’s open to everyone.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

I still see some federation issues:

  • It sometimes takes a few tries before a remote post or community is found
  • Remote replies don't show up
  • Subscriptions to remote communties are stuck in 'pending'

I'll look into that.

submitted 11 months ago by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

I see we've just reached 100 users!! In 5 days..

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

In this post I will list the known issues or possible improvements for Lemmy.world.

Please comment with any issue or area for improvement you see and I will add it here.

Remember: this instance was only started June 1st so a lot of troubleshooting and tweaking to be done.

Issues can be:

  • Local (lemmy.world) (also performance issues)
  • Lemmy software issues
  • Other software related (apps/Fediverse platforms etc)
  • Remote server related
  • (User error? ...)

Known issues

Websockets issues

There are some issues with the Websockets implementation used in Lemmy, which handles the streaming. Websockets will be removed in version 0.18 so let's hope these issues will be all gone then!

  • Top posts page gets a stream of new posts ? Websockets issue
  • You're suddenly in another post than you were before > Websockets issue
  • Your profile will briefly display another name/avatar in the top right corner

Spinning wheel issues

Error handling is not one of Lemmy's strongpoints. Sometimes something goes wrong, but instead of getting an error, the button will have a 'spinning wheel' that lasts until eternity. These are some of the known cases:

  • You want to create an account but the username is already taken
  • You want to create an account but the username is too long (>20 characters)
  • You want to create an account but the password is too long
  • You want to create a community but the name is already taken
  • You want to create a community but the name is not in all lowercase letters
  • You want to create a post over 2000 characters
  • You want to post something in a language that isn't allowed in the community

Other issues

  • Federation not always working; Apparently not everything gets synced all the time. This needs troubleshooting.
  • “404: FetchError: invalid json response body at http://lemmy:8536/api/v3/site” This sometimes happens when the Lemmy app container is very busy. Needs troubleshooting

Enhancement requests

  • Can themes be added? > To be checked if this can be done without changing code.

For support with issues at Lemmy.world, go to the Lemmy.world Support community.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

I'm not happy with the performance, especially when clicking 'Post' it takes too long.

First I will upgrade this VPS from 2cpu/4GB to 4cpu/16GB.

Then I will tune the database (more shared_buffers to start with)

After that I'll see what more I can tune, together with the Lemmy admin channel.

1000 users! (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

lemmy.world just reached 1000 users.

Please remember that the server was created June 1st! So still might notice some startup issues... but so far so good! Welcome @all!

submitted 11 months ago by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

Installed latest image of Lemmy because it should fix some performance issues. Let's see if it improves some stuff.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

(I'm creating a starting guide post here. Have patience, it will take some time...)

Disclaimer: I am new to Lemmy like most of you. Still finding my way. If you see something that isn't right, let me know. Also additions, please comment!


Welcome to Lemmy (on whichever server you're reading this)

About Lemmy

Lemmy is a federated platform for news aggregagtion / discussion. It's being developed by the Lemmy devs: https://github.com/LemmyNet

About Federation

What does this federation mean?

It means Lemmy is using a protocol (Activitypub) which makes it possible for all Lemmy servers to interact.

  • You can search and view communities on remote servers from here
  • You can create posts in remote communities
  • You can respond to remote posts
  • You will be notified (if you wish) of comments on your remote posts
  • You can follow Lemmy users/communities on other platforms that also use Activitypub (like Mastodon, Calckey etc) (There's currently a known issue with that, see here

Please note that a server only starts indexing a server/community once it has been interacted with by a user of this server.

A great image describing this, made by @ulu_mulu@lemmy.world : https://imgur.com/a/uyoYySY

About Lemmy.world

Lemmy.world is one of the many servers hosting the Lemmy software. It was started on June 1st, 2023 by @ruud@lemmy.world , who is also running https://mastodon.world, https://calckey.world and others.

A list of Lemmy servers and their statistics can be found at FediDB

Quick start guide


You can use your account you created to log in to the server on which you created it. Not on other servers. Content is federated to other servers, users/accounts are not.


In the top menu, you'll see the search icon. There, you can search for posts, communities etc.

You can just enter a search-word and it will find the Post-titles, post-content, communities etc containing that word that the server knows of. So any content any user of this server ever interacted with.

You can also search for a community by it's link, e.g. [!Netherlands@lemmy.nl](/c/Netherlands@lemmy.nl). Even if the server hasn't ever seen that community, it will look it up remotely. Sometimes it takes some time for it to fetch the info (and displays 'No results' meanwhile..) so just be patient and search a second time after a few seconds.

Creating communities

First, make sure the community doesn't already exist. Use search (see above). Also try https://browse.feddit.de/ to see if there are remote communities on other Lemmy instances that aren't known to Lemmy.world yet.

If you're sure it doesn't exist yet, go to the homepage and click 'Create a Community'.

It will open up the following page:

Here you can fill out:

  • Name: should be all lowercase letters. This will be the /c/
  • Display name: As to be expected, this will be the displayed name.
  • You can upload an icon and banner image. Looks pretty.
  • The sidebar should contain things like description, rules, links etc. You can use Markdown (yey!)
  • If the community will contain mainly NSFW content, check the NSFW mark. NSFW is allowed as long as it doesn't break the rules
  • If you only want moderators to be able to post, check that checkbox.
  • Select any language you want people to be able to post in. Apparently you shouldn't de-select 'Undetermined'. I was told some apps use 'Undetermined' as default language so don't work if you don't have it selected


I think the reading is obvious. Just click the post and you can read it. SOmetimes when there are many comments, they will partly be collapsed.


When viewing a community, you can create a new post in it. First of all make sure to check the community's rules, probably stated in the sidebar.

In the Create Post page these are the fields:

  • URL: Here you can paste a link which will be shown at the top of the post. Also the thumbnail of the post will link there. Alternatively you can upload an image using the image icon to the right of the field. That image will also be displayed as thumbnail for the post.
  • Title: The title of the post.
  • Body: Here you can type your post. You can use Markdown if you want.
  • Community: select the community where you want this post created, defaults to the community you were in when you clicked 'create post'
  • NSFW: Select this if you post any NSFW material, this blurs the thumbnail and displays 'NSFW' behind the post title.
  • Language: Specify in which language your post is.

Also see the Lemmy documentation on formatting etc.


Moderating / Reporting

Client apps

There are some apps available or in testing. See this post for a list!


When you find any issue, please report so here: https://lemmy.world/post/15786 if you think it's server related (or not sure).

Report any issues or improvement requests for the Lemmy software itself here: https://github.com/LemmyNet

Known issues

Known issues can be found in the beforementioned post, one of the most annoying ones is the fact that post/reply in a somewhat larger community can take up to 10 seconds. It seems like that's related to the number of subscribers of the community.

I'll be looking into that one, and hope the devs are too.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

Apparently in some parts of the world it's already Monday June 12th. I see registrations going up.

This results in the server CPU staying around 70% even spiking over 90%. So I will upgrade the VPS from 4cpu/16GB to 8cpu/32GB.

Expect a few minutes downtime at 17:00 CET

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

I'm trying to fix this annoying slowness when posting to larger communities. (Just try replying here...) I'll be doing some restarts of the docker stack and nginx.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Edit: Well I've changed the nginx from running in a docker container to running on the host, but that hasn't solved the posting slowness..

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

So after we've extended the virtual cloud server twice, we're at the max for the current configuration. And with this crazy growth (almost 12k users!!) even now the server is more and more reaching capacity.

Therefore I decided to order a dedicated server. Same one as used for mastodon.world.

So the bad news... we will need some downtime. Hopefully, not too much. I will prepare the new server, copy (rsync) stuff over, stop Lemmy, do last rsync and change the DNS. If all goes well it would take maybe 10 minutes downtime, 30 at most. (With mastodon.world it took 20 minutes, mainly because of a typo :-) )

For those who would like to donate, to cover server costs, you can do so at our OpenCollective or Patreon


Update The server was migrated. It took around 4 minutes downtime. For those who asked, it now uses a dedicated server with a AMD EPYC 7502P 32 Cores "Rome" CPU and 128GB RAM. Should be enough for now.

I will be tuning the database a bit, so that should give some extra seconds of downtime, but just refresh and it's back. After that I'll investigate further to the cause of the slow posting. Thanks @veroxii@lemmy.world for assisting with that.

submitted 11 months ago by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

We're still working to find a solution for the posting slowness in large communities.

We have seen that a post does get submitted right away, but yet the page keeps 'spinning'

So right after you clicked 'Post' or 'Reply' you can refresh the page and the post should be there.

(But maybe to be sure you could copy the contents of your post first, so you can paste again if anything would go wrong..)

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by sunspider@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

Hey there lemmings!

It's your friendly neighbourhood Sun-Spider here. I recently volunteered as a mod on this community, so I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know my plans.

Many of you will have seen that there are a lot of off-topic posts in this community right now. I suspect that new users, especially ones not yet familiar with how Lemmy and the fediverse work, are seeing it as a kind of default community or a place to generally discuss the world of Lemmy.

However, as it says in the sidebar, this is a community about the lemmy.world instance specifically. If it's going to serve as that, then it can't be drowned in off-topic posts.

To that end, I plan to start going through and removing posts that are not discussing this instance, with two exceptions.

Firstly, I know that some of these posts are providing good info to new users coming from Reddit, so I'd like to not take those down just yet. Since this is such a visible community, keeping them has value. Therefore highly upvoted posts that are specifically for newcomers from Reddit may get left.

Secondly, I know that removing posts with many upvotes and comments could be seen as overly harsh. While we don't have a karma system here, if you had a post that has done well then suddenly seeing it removed is painful. Therefore if a post is off topic, but is nonetheless highly upvoted, then I may instead simply lock the post. This preserves the content, but prevents further engagement. This should mean that it gradually falls off the front page, whose default sort is Active.


  • Posts that are not about the lemmy.world instance specifically will be removed, with the following exceptions:
  • Some posts providing value to new users will be left
  • Some posts with high engagement may be simply locked


Check out the new communities !newcomers@lemmy.world and !general@lemmy.world! These are intended to be a good home for a lot of the content that's getting removed/locked.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

I just installed the 0.18.0 release candidate 1 of the lemmy-ui component.

This version removes websockets and should solve many strange issues. Like the glitching vote totals, sudden changes of posts etc.

Let me know if you see improvements, or new issues.

ipv6 enabled (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

I enabled the ipv6 address for lemmy.world. Should work now.

Next step would be enable dnssec, have to figure out how that worked again.

submitted 11 months ago by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

Thanks to a comment by @LargeHardonCollider@lemmy.world , I checked and saw that 'Federation debugging' mode was enabled. I had enabled that when the server just started (less than 3 weeks ago) and I had an issue with federation.

I thought I had switched that off again, but apparently not. This mode causes the federation to be done in the foreground, so your 'Post' or 'Comment' action will wait for that to finish...

This solves the most annoying issue, and makes the site way more useable. There are many other issues, but we'll get there.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

So some spam signups just happened (all username12345678@gmail.com format e-mail) This caused bounced mail to increase, causing Mailgun to block our domain to prevent it getting blacklisted.


  • Mail temporarily doesn't work
  • I closed signups for now
  • I will ban the spam accounts
  • I will check how to prevent (maybe approval required again?)

Stay tuned.

Edit: so apparently there is a captcha option which I now enabled. Let's see if this prevents spam. Registrations open again.

Edit2 : Hmm Mailgun isn't that fast in unblocking the domain. Closing signups again because validation mails aren't sent

Edit 3: I convinced Mailgun to lift the block. Signups open again.

Blog post about Lemmy.world (blog.mastodon.world)
submitted 11 months ago by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

I wrote my fist post about Lemmy.world. When June is finished, I'll also include Lemmy in the financial update on the same blog.

submitted 11 months ago by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

I added some known issues with websockets / spinning wheel to the known issues post

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

The 0.18 version of Lemmy was announced. This will solve many issues.

But we can't upgrade yet because the captcha was removed, and captcha relied on Websockets, which are removed in 0.18 so despite the devs agreeing on my request to add captcha back, this will not be until 0.18.1. Without captcha we will be overrun by bots.

Hopefully this 0.18.1 will be released soon, because another issue is that the newest version of the Jerboa app won't work with servers older than 0.18. So if you're on Lemmy.world, please (temporarily) use another app or the web version.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

We've upgraded lemmy.world to 0.18.1-rc.1 and rolled back that upgrade because of issues.

(If you had posted anything in those 10 minutes between upgrade and rollback, that post is gone. Sorry!)

The main issue we saw is that users can't login anymore. Existing sessions still worked, but new logins failed (from macos, ios and android. From linux and windows it worked)

Also new account creation didn't work.

I'll create an issue for the devs and retry once it's fixed.

Edit Contacted the devs, they tell me to try again with lemmy-ui at version 0.18.0. Will try again, brace for some downtime!

Edit 2 So we upgraded again, and it seemed to work nicely! But then it slowed down so much it was unuseable. There were many locks in the database. People reported many JSON errors. Sorry, we won't be on 0.18.1 any time soon I'm afraid..

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by lwadmin@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

We're closing this thread. Everything that could be said has been said. Thank you

Original Post:
Today, we want to inform everyone that we have decided to defederate from https://exploding-heads.com/. We understand that defederating should always be a last resort, and individuals can certainly block communities. However, blocking alone does not prevent potential harm to vulnerable communities.

After carefully reviewing the instance, reported posts, and multiple comments from the community, we have concluded that exploding-heads is not adhering to the Lemmy or Citizen Code of Conduct. Therefore, we cannot, in good faith, continue to federate with an instance that consistently promotes hate, racism, and bullying.

https://lemmy.world/post/577526 - Community Moderator Harassment
https://exploding-heads.com/post/92194 - Systemadmin Post
https://exploding-heads.com/post/90780 - Systemadmin Post
https://exploding-heads.com/post/91488 - Systemadmin Post
https://exploding-heads.com/post/93725 - Community Moderator Post

Again, deciding to defederate from an instance is not taken lightly. In the future, we will continue to review instances on a case-by-case bases.

As for our community, please refrain from posting or commenting with hateful words as well. Arguing back and calling people names is not the solution. The best course of action is to report the posts or comments violating our server rules.

Lemmy Code of Conduct
Citizen Code of Conduct https://github.com/stumpsyn/policies/blob/master/citizen_code_of_conduct.md

“We are committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of level of experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other similar characteristic.”

submitted 10 months ago by ruud@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

So I've been troubleshooting the federation issues with some other admins:

(Thanks for the help)

So what we see is that when there are many federation workers running at the same time, they get too slow, causing them to timeout and fail.

I had federation workers set to 200000. I've now lowered that to 8192, and set the activitypub logging to debugging to get queue stats. RUST_LOG="warn,lemmy_server=warn,lemmy_api=warn,lemmy_api_common=warn,lemmy_api_crud=warn,lemmy_apub=warn,lemmy_db_schema=warn,lemmy_db_views=warn,lemmy_db_views_actor=warn,lemmy_db_views_moderator=warn,lemmy_routes=warn,lemmy_utils=warn,lemmy_websocket=warn,activitypub_federation=debug"

Also, I saw that there were many workers retrying to servers that are unreachable. So, I've blocked some of these servers:


This gave good results, way less active workers, so less timeouts. (I see that above 3000 active workers, timeouts start).

(If you own one of these servers, let me know once it's back up, so I can un-block it)

Now it's after midnight so I'm going to bed. Surely more troubleshooting will follow tomorrow and in the weekend.

Please let me know if you see improvements, or have many issues still.

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Lemmy.World Announcements

28382 readers
5 users here now

This Community is intended for posts about the Lemmy.world server by the admins.

For support with issues at Lemmy.world, go to the Lemmy.world Support community.

Support e-mail

Any support requests are best sent to info@lemmy.world e-mail.

Donations 💗

If you would like to make a donation to support the cost of running this platform, please do so at the following donation URLs.

If you can, please use / switch to Ko-Fi, it has the lowest fees for us

Ko-Fi (Donate)

Bunq (Donate)

Open Collective backers and sponsors


founded 11 months ago