Lazy aloo gobi and rice (vegantheoryclub.org)

I chopped a cauliflower and two potatoes and simmered in veg stock until they were softened by steam/boil, then added a bunch of curry powder, fenugreek leaves and flour to the remaining water to thicken into a sauce. I served with rice cooker rice with 7 spice on it. I also ate this with chickpeas and salad but I forgot to take a pic

Easy seitan and broccoli (vegantheoryclub.org)

Followed this method, worked like a charm!

Aloo Mutter (lemmy.world)

Served it over rice, turned out pretty tasty

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Nimrod@lemm.ee to c/homecooks@vegantheoryclub.org

I make seitan deli meat loaves in two flavors: Turkey and ham. This is the ham variety. Sliced thin, and lightly toasted in a pan with a dash of oil. Let the edges get crispy, pile it up, and slap a piece of fake cheese on it. Cover the pan and let melt.

In a different pan, sauté some diced onion in olive oil until slightly carmelized. Turn off heat, add horseradish mustard, mix.

Toast ciabatta bun, spread the onion/mustard mix on, top with the meat/cheese pile, load up some pickles and go crazy.

I have a pic of the inside after I took a bite which better shows the texture of the “ham”, but I have no idea how to add it.

Gormeh Sabzi with TVP (vegantheoryclub.org)

I used a dry herb mix and hydrated it, hydrated some tvp chunks and a can of red beans and cooked it in the instant pot for a while with advieh, spoon of tomato paste, salt and pepper.


Ignore the messy plate >_>

Seitan goulash (vegantheoryclub.org)

The sauce is random stuff I felt like eating, from anchos and white onions to carrots and peas, with different herbs and spices. It came out pretty great honestly

Three Sisters Pasta (vegantheoryclub.org)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by hamid@vegantheoryclub.org to c/homecooks@vegantheoryclub.org
  1. 2 cups elbow macaroni
  2. half a package of butter nut squash (can use all/can of pumpkin 3. puree)
  3. 1/4 cup soy milk
  4. 1 cup frozen corn (can use 1 can corn)
  5. nutritional yeast
  6. turmeric
  7. white pepper
  8. salt
  9. nutmeg
  10. can of beans (I used red kidney beans)
  11. Greens if you have

I cooked the pasta and set aside

I boiled the squash then blended with soymilk, nooch, turmeric, white pepper, salt, lime juice (can use vinegar) and bit of nutmeg

I quickly simmered it in a bot and added back in the noodles, beans, corn and greens and stirred until combined and the greens wilted.

If my wife weren't allergic I would have added garlic and onions to this for sure


If youve got parboiled or canned garbanzos and want a crunchy addition to your salads and pitas, microwave them.

i put a serving on a safe plate and microwave for approximately 5 minutes.

Then fry in oil with your favorite seasoning.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by hamid@vegantheoryclub.org to c/homecooks@vegantheoryclub.org

The soup is a white bean soup with veggies. I added meatballs and pasta after its cooked. I blasted 1 cup white beans and 4 cups water with dill, kale, salt, pepper, turmeric, nutritional yeast and celery for an hour then let it natural release. I added chopped carrot, pepper, celery, tomato and mushrooms to it on low saute which I left it on for 30 min to simmer. With 15 min left on the simmer I added baby spinach. I added the baked meatballs and pasta stars at the end. The stars got over cooked oops.

I baked the meatballs and cooked the pasta separate:

Dry TVP:

Hydrated and rinsed:

Blended with stick blender:


mixed with paprika, soy sauce, italian seasoning, bread crumbs, nutritional yeast and flax egg to make meatballs


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15544688

Check out our new home !homecooks@vegantheoryclub.org and subscribe!

We're a discord community Come join us and share what you're making.

If if doesn't appear in your instance press the search button and search !homecooks@vegantheoryclub.org and it should show up then and you can subscribe to federate with the community and have the posts come to your instance.

Squidriot made the pancakes 💘

Roach made an awesome Lentil loaf:

Battletoads made tofu sticks with stuffing and mash:

Bee made some miso soup:

Gomb made mushroom alfredo with whole wheat pasta:

I made taco mac:

Bee made ratatouille (ve)gratin:

Getty made some awesome looking fried tofu, potatoes and chickpeas:

Curtis made work-day stew:

Bulba had a salad:

DT made some actually amazing looking pizza with fresh milled hard white wheat sourdough crust, alongside aged maple cashew cheese, cranberries, caramelized red onions, dates, garlic, and diced figs drizzled with sweet chili date reduction:

Mmori made Ochazuke:

Kwf made grilled tofu with sourdough:

Za #4, Pepperoni Pizza (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Enkers@sh.itjust.works to c/homecooks@vegantheoryclub.org

I happened across some store bought vegan pepperoni, and decided I'd do one of the most simple pizzas in existance: the NY style pepperoni pizza. It totally wasn't because I was lazy and it takes like almost zero effort.

My dough caught on the peel as I was shimmying it on to the griddle, so I kinda got this weird teardrop-shaped pizza. Oh well. (:

There's really just something very comforting about a basic-ass slice like this. It's not fancy or pretentious, just delicious.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by hamid@vegantheoryclub.org to c/homecooks@vegantheoryclub.org

The balls are made from ground tvp chunks, coarse ground chickpea flour and flax eggs and seasoned with lots of black pepper and cardamom.


2 cups penne, 2 cups water, 1 cup canned diced tomatoes, spoon of tomato paste, spoon of red pepper paste, can of chickpeas, diced potato, diced carrot, diced celery, some diced fennel, extra cup of water.

3 minutes under pressure (takes about 10 or so with the heat up) then quick release.

I added frozen spinach at the end and stirred it in.

Good 'ol BEANS 🫘 (i.imgur.com)

Soak, apply tomato product, pressure cook and BAM - delicious and creamy beans.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Enkers@sh.itjust.works to c/homecooks@vegantheoryclub.org

So I've decided to make pizza every Friday this summer. This is #3, but I declined to post the first two because they contained a slightly controversial brand plant based meat substitute.

This one has vegan blue cheese, caramelized onions, button mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes, balsamic reduction and pear slices. I meant to add a bit of arugula, but I forgot. A little fresh basil probably would have been good too.

Oh yeah, I was going to have it last night (y'know, on Friday like I said) but some stuff came up so I had to delay a night.

Feel free to ask for any recipes or whatever! I generally follow Adam Ragusa's NY style pizza recipe, but he's not vegan so if you don't want to give him additional traffic, I can probably answer any questions you might have.

If you have any suggestions for my next pizza, I'd love to hear it! ^^


Carmelized onions and garlic, cubed potatoes, bell peppers, and egg substitute; topped with hot-sauce, with a cup of white chai on the side.


I went on a work trip for 5 days. I'm mostly gluten free (not celiac, just intolerant).

My hotel didn't have a microwave (I couldn't find one that did) but it did have a fridge. I brought premade food (pictured) in a cooler as well as snacks.

I was able to microwave food at the rest stops which meant I could eat delicious home cooked food instead of paying $7 for a bag of chips.


A few lunches/dinners were catered and I gave my dietary restrictions. They were fine but they were things like one (1) baby eggplant with some veggies on top, so I was obviously hungry lol. Having a tub of hummus and crackers in the room made sure I was fed and didn't need to go looking for food at restaurants.

I also brought oats which are my normal breakfast and kept my tummy happy. This is beginner level travel food but foundational for a reason!


Things that went well

  • bringing food to microwave on the drive, although the final test stop didn't have a microwave.
  • bringing a bowl for the oats and soap to clean the bowl out with after using.
  • room and purse snacks that didn't need a microwave.
  • the cooler stayed cool on the 8 hour drive.

Things to improve

  • I lied to myself and said I would go pick up some fresh fruit and veg. I should have just brought some with me. It was chaotic leading up to my departure and grocery stores were a 30 min drive away from where I was staying.
  • I should have made my own granola bars/snacks versus buying them. They are expensive!

I am doing a longer (9 day, personal) trip in just over a week and I am bringing my rice cooker lol! I will more than likely have access to a kitchenette and will definitely go to the grocery store, as I am crossing a border and don't want to deal with bringing fresh fruit/veg over that. I'll make a post about that when I get back 🤠

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Plum@lemmy.world to c/homecooks@vegantheoryclub.org

I kept a quart sized freezer bag in the back of the freezer for all my scraps as an experiment.

Anything that isn't rotten or hopelessly dirty goes in, and I make stock once the bag is filled. This batch is tons of asparagus stems, pepper guts, tiny garlic cloves I didn't want to peel, green onion tops that got crinkly, etc. Stems. Peels. Butts. Etc.

I added a carrot and a potato cut up, and some dried herbs.

Fingers crossed.

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Vegan Home Cooks

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Come join the Vegan Home Cooks!

Participation is really easy, just take a picture of what you cooked today and post it, no recipes needed.

This is a public forum for a discord server of friends who are all vegans and cook at home for their families.

We are here to share some inspiration, to see what others are doing and to stay engaged in something that is both our hobby and a required task.

This forum is not a "food porn" community, a recipe book or a place to teach you how to cook. It is a place for people who already cook to meet other people like themselves and provide on topic support and conversation as much as long distance friends on the internet can do. We are doing show and tell about what we made and we don't care about its instagram worthiness.

Veganism isn’t a diet but I have to eat every day. This is for the vegan home cooks. Anything non vegan will be deleted.


1. Be Vegan.

If it is not vegan it doesn’t belong here… or anywhere.

2. Post home cooking.

No restaurant or fast food. This is what every other vegan space is about and we don’t want to promote any large or small business tyrants.

3. Join the Discord

We’re an active community of vegan home cooks that like to talk about what we are cooking today.

4. Do not make any rude comments or digs at anyone’s food, cooking style, specific diet, restrictions or technique.

While we are all cooks, we all have different requirements and we’re not asking for help, we are doing show and tell.

5. Do not use trademarked brands

Use generic names. We’re cooking with tvp not whatever business brands it and we’re not trying to turn comrades into billboards. No plant-based vegan-pandering capitalist crap like Impossible, Beyond, Dairy-company owned “vegan” cheese.

6. Do not ask for a recipe without otherwise engaging the OP (No posts that are just “recipe?”)

We are not food bloggers. Sometimes we're excited to share and will tell you the recipes we used but this isn't required. Instead try doing your own research and tell us what you learned and we can talk about it.

7. Careful with making unasked for suggestions.

Sometimes we like to hear suggestions but you should be nice about it and know the person you are making suggestions to. We are in the discord and you can get to know us that way. If you are just a visitor from the fediverse, this isn’t the place for you to start telling other people what to do.

8. Grown Ups Only.

Cooking for our kids is great, Acting like one is not. While this isn't a community for adult material we expect everyone who participates to be an adult and act like one. Please follow the Anarchists Code of Conduct. No profane usernames allowed.

founded 2 months ago