[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 49 points 1 month ago

Oh, I have a similar story from my (unfortunately late) void:

Had a big chunk of pork, which I trimmed for the BBQ. All the cuttings (mostly fat) I put in a pad to render (?) the delicious lard. Somehow I forgot to put a lid on the pan while it cooled down, and the whole thing got forgotten in the mess the kitchen was after a nice Barbie and beers with friends. Next morning I woke up, thought "oh crap, the lard". Went downstairs, first susicious thing: cat nowhere to be seen. Pan on the stove was completely clean. As in straight from the dishwasher clean. The I saw the cat lolling around on the sofa, barely awake, and almost unresponsive. Even shaking his morning treats did not prompt him to come into the kitchen (which usually was the ritual). And then it dawned on me: the little rascal slurped about a whole pound of pork lard during the night from the pan. Did not eat for two days straight, but seemed happy as a clam.

Wherever he is now, I hope he gets all the lard he wants.

[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 28 points 2 months ago

To be less hypothetical and more scary: Think about all the ancient pathogens that are dormant in the permafrost. Those could become a real problem when it starts to thaw because of global warming.

[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 29 points 2 months ago

Der Optimist in mir sagt, "Na endlich fangen die an, sich selbst zu zerlegen". Der Pessimist kontert: "Jede rechtsstaatliche Aufarbeitung wird von denen als Hexenjagd instrumentalisiert werden, und es wird funktionieren.'

[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 28 points 2 months ago

Whoosh indeed...

[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 20 points 4 months ago

Ich war ja sehr lange ein grosser Fan von ihr, für mich hat sie aber mit ihrer Maithink X show (alleine der Name ist ja schon affig) ganz schön an Glaubwürdigkeit verloren. Muss denn selbst in den ÖR Sendern Wissenschaft in einer Blödelshow auf Karl Dall Niveau verwurstet werden, damit man auch ja das gesamte werberelevante Publikum mitnimmt?

Vielleicht ist da der Schritt in die Politik nur der nächste logische, und auch wenn ich sehr begrüsse dass Menschen, die noch evidenzbasiert denken und kommunizieren können auch Einzug in die Politik nehmen, scheint mit da die Gefahr des Personenkults doch ein bisschen hoch.

[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 16 points 5 months ago

It's not even pizza. It's some weird tomato quiche, but definitely not pizza.

[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 18 points 5 months ago

"Many were increasingly of the opinion that they’d all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans."

[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 34 points 5 months ago

We had quite the discussion at work about this very scene (I am loosely related to OSHA stuff), at some point people might think of deliberately having work "accidents" so the employer has to pay for superior replacement parts. And then have an advantage on the job market because of this. Same could go for sports.

I guess technologically, we are very close, but might need to work on the whole ethics part a bit more?

Having said that, I would not mind some advanced Kiroshis to replace my screwed up eyeballs.

[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 15 points 6 months ago

Wahrscheinlich Sahne in der Carbonara

[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 40 points 7 months ago

Because WFH has shown that large parts of middle management are useless, and those MM people are pushing upper management for RTO before it becomes evident. It's what MM has always done, suck up to UM and kick down on the workers, without real benefit to the company.

submitted 9 months ago by Phoonzang@lemmy.world to c/finanzen@feddit.de

Moin zusammen,

habe (mehr aus Langeweile als aus irgendwas sonst) eine Kreditvergleich bei einem der Aggregatoren durchgespielt, und dabei tatsächlich ein Angebot von unter 1% für 30kEUR auf 2 Jahre bekommen. Auf meinem Tagesgeldkonto Krieg ich derzeit 3.25%. Jetzt könnte ich ja einfach die 30k vom Kredit da drauflegen, und dann einfach von dort die Raten bezahlen. Kurze excelei sagt mir, dass dann am Ende gute 800 EUR übrig bleiben, und ich habe da noch nichtmal eigenes Geld eingesetzt. Selbst wenn ich zwei Stunden mit dem Kreditantrag besxhäftigt wäre,. wäre das doch ein netter Stundenlohn... Da muss doch ein Haken sein? Im Grunde könnte man sowas ja auch mehrfach machen (allerdings wohl nur soweit, wie man fiktiv die Raten bedienen könnte), oder versaut man sich damit die Schufa?

Wo ist mein Denkfehler?

[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 15 points 9 months ago

That switch flipped a few years ago. Unfortunately it only did so after my mother passed away, but I suddenly realised that I don't need my dad's approval in my life. And that he's a toxic narcissist which I don't have to like or have in my life. Understanding that, I could unravel a lot of crap from my childhood, which helps understanding some things that are wrong with me today. I guess the switch that flips when you understand that your parents don't necessarily need to be good for you is a really important one.

[-] Phoonzang@lemmy.world 33 points 9 months ago

A really nice kitchen knife. I use it daily and it makes cooking so much more fun, which translates into eating less junk food and take out, saving a ton of money and being more healthy.

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