I was reading a recent article about the efforts by people not to ban books. While I think the sentiment is good-natured, as a helper at my local library, this is actually very problematic. People donate to us all the time, as is how libraries work. Sometimes the books are unpopular, unproductive, harmful, or just low tier.

I would never apply this logic to human beings, all humans have value if the system knows how to channel them correctly, but books are inanimate objects where their expected purpose is to be read (if you were to say a book is useful on the basis it could be used for something like ripping the pages out for wiping a floor for example, that would make its usefulness as a book cease). Often we are over capacity from the donations, so once a year we have a book sale at the church (libraries and churches getting along? Crazy, right?), but even then, a lot just isn't sold, and we're forced to either give them to another holding place or, in the worst case scenario, cremate or trash them. I am all for free speech, but freedom to produce speech is different from freedom to preserve speech, and I'm sure even the ancient Romans produced a lot of scribbly nonsense.

Suppose you were in my shoes and the library could preserve anything forever but not everything forever. What criteria would you use in order to decide what media (books, movies, games, etc.) gets to stay and what has to go?

submitted 3 days ago by Martin@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

So my company decided to migrate office suite and email etc to Microsoft365. Whatever. But for 2FA login they decided to disable the option to choose "any authenticator" and force Microsoft Authenticator on the (private) phones of both employees and volunteers. Is there any valid reason why they would do this, like it's demonstrably safer? Or is this a battle I can pick to shield myself a little from MS?

submitted 3 days ago by kionite231@lemmy.ca to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
Are molded ear plugs worth it? (lemmy.burningturtle.win)
submitted 3 days ago by clark@midwest.social to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Hello all.

I am once again asking for your technical advice. Maybe somebody else will find this thread useful and ask about their preferences, too.

What I mean by "budget" is the price range of 300-600 dollars.

My priorities are as follow:

  • Great battery life (!)
  • Lightweight
  • Quiet fans and keyboard
  • Able to run Linux (!)

What I will use this computer for is:

  • Writing documents, viewing PowerPoints, the occasional call.
  • Watching Youtube and movies.
  • Scrolling the web and engaging with sites such as Lemmy.

I will NOT be using the computer for any coding, programming, video- or photo editing. The occasional gaming may occur, but it's only one lightweight game I play on Steam from time to time.

What I have been looking at so far has been: Acer Aspire 5, Acer Swift 3, and the Lenovo Slim Series. Unfortunately, I don't know much about computers so I can't tell if these candidates are worth considering.

Furthermore, I don't really know what Ryzen or AMD entails. I think Ryzen is more apt for gaming? In which case, I'll be an AMD user. As long as it's able to run Linux, no problem.

Sorry to dump my personal insecurities on you all, but what say you, Lemmings? What is your verdict?

Simple FOSS GUI for Python (lemmy.mindoki.com)

Hello all!

I'm looking for a simple to use GUI for my FOSS python project.

I have tried tkinter which is, uh, usable but seriously oldish? Good point seems to be it's basically inbuilt in python so not hard to distribute.

PyQt is on the heavy end, I just need windows, scrollbars and buttons (basically, see below), also I wonder about the license of Qt (it's always a PITA when trying to do C++ Qt) and also what you must package when you distribute the soft.

Must haves:

  • Frames (I need two independent lists of files and another with global info)
  • Text, buttons & colors, an "open file" dialog. Editable text field.
  • Scrollable lists, with clickable icons (ex. "Filename [Delete icon] [Update icon]")
  • Async behaviour (so that a thread can update one part when it sees fit)
  • Works on most popular Linux
  • FOSS (I don't want to change everything when the soft dies, or be on the enshittification ride)

Nice to have :

  • Possibility to make pop out windows (like a settings manager)
  • Mac & Win support

Cheers and thank you!


I make the specification of non-linux because otherwise this would just become a thread full of obscure distros that do the same thing as a million other distros.

Some lesser known OSs:

  • AROS - based on Amiga OS, has some derivatives like IcarOS and MorphOS
  • Haiku - based on BeOS
  • Redox - Unix-like, made in Rust (might technically count as linux?)
  • Serenity - Unix-like, very late 90s look and feel
  • Kolibri - Tiny OS, the image is ~44MB. It also has a smaller version that fits in a single floppy.
  • PhantomOS - When 3 Russians decide to turn everything about a typical OS upside down.

When I got hooked on Morrowind in middle school it occurred to me to quicksave before a test at school.

What's yours?

submitted 4 days ago by Sinfaen@beehaw.org to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I put in a credit card application for Bilt and they want address and id verification via fax. They really want me to send a fax apparently

Most of my documents are virtual now, and I don't have a fax machine. I see that on Google play there are a variety of apps for sending faxes. Is this a good option to go through? Or should I print stuff and find a library with a fax machine

submitted 4 days ago by z00s@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 5 days ago by Vej@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm sick of my laptop breaking after just three years. I want a laptop that:

  • comes with a nice APU
  • does not have a dGPU
  • comes with a chonky thermal solution
  • has lots of battery juice
  • has lots of modern ports
  • is repairable
  • is rugged, bulky and thick
  • is equipped with a nice, thonky keyboard
  • isn't one of those stupid, low-quality "gAmIng lApTOp"

So far, only the X220 and MNT Reform comes close to this description - the former is a really slow machine for today's time, and for some reason, still damn expensive. The latter is just too expensive to the point that I'll have to sell all eight kidneys in my family.

Do they sell anything like this in today's time, with a reasonable price?

PS. Thick is a strong requirement. I want a really nice cooling solution, plus it also serves it's purpose as a melee weapon to removed-slap those ultra-book trash-talkers.

submitted 5 days ago by lorty@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Your favorite movie, series, or anything else really that you can't find a community here (or maybe it just doesn't exist)

submitted 4 days ago by jsomae@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

In a poll on hexbear (see link), it was observed that there are very few cis women on Lemmy. I think this is the intersection of several problems:

  • engagement of women on Reddit was always low
  • fewer women in computer science
  • I'm hesitant to recommend anything fediversy to people who don't tinker with computers like I do and thus might need a more handholdy UX.

I gather that transgender people tend to be more into CS, though I don't see why that explains entirely such an astonishing presence of the transgender community on Hexbear.

Anyway, I just thought I'd open the floor to brainstorming.

submitted 5 days ago by Binette@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

This question is rather specific, so I know it's not going to get many answers, but any answer is appreciated.

I'm thinking about living alone, but I'm worried about getting certain issues. I've already talked about it to my doctor, but I also wanted to get answers from people who have went through it.


I normally just do a big text document, but I'm starting to think thats not the best method for me. It can be overwhelming to keep nice and linear over time.

submitted 5 days ago by max@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm lookijg into some courses, I know I can get most of them for free but I was thinking about certification too, is it worthy? Does someone cares about coursers certifications from coursers?

It's a thing because my income is not in dolar so it gets more expensive to me

submitted 6 days ago by ceciline02@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/16155441

rice absorbs moisture.

Curious if this works to recover notebooks or other electronics.


Which side of the bed is the left side? Is the answer based on the perspective of laying in the bed (person's head at the head end)? Is the answer based on viewing it from the foot of the bed, looking at the head of the bed? Is there an "anatomical position" or special terminology like in boating for this?

For context: My boyfriend and I can't agree on this. We change who gets which side based on the shoulder we'd predominantly sleep on and how it's feeling. This let's us get good cuddles before shoulder pain gets irritated. He comes to bed after me. A while back he asked what side I'm sleeping on. I said "left". Later that night, he comes in and almost lays directly on me because he claims "left" is the other side. Since then we have to describe which side using complicated descriptions.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15857572

More specifically, the HP T640 device.

The manufacturer declares compatibility with CL22 latency and 2400 MHz clocking. If I buy RAM with CL17 and 2400 MHz clocking, will it work?

Photo for attention

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