I know it's kinda cliché for a TTRPG community but honestly I don't care, I want to read about fun, weird, impractical or bizarre characters! Maybe your character had a big secret that you had to keep for yourself until the right time? Well of course I want to read about those too!

It doesn't really matter if it's a character you actually played or if it was just a concept!


cross-post: https://lemmy.world/post/2220151

Blades' "skip to the action"+retrospective+stress mechanics worked really well for my table.

I'm looking for other systems and homebrews that would allow us to "plan" the heists later, during the actual action.

some old classics (lemmy.world)

In perfect condition, feels like it has almost never been used


My characters are organizing an extraction of local (country) MCT head of security. He is Japanese, raised by the corp from birth, but not completely beguiled as his son is an orc and he had to pull some levers to get him into school etc.
He's aware of extraction and agreed to it.

But the twist is that he decided to get extracted because he's taking the fall for a secret lab getting blown up in the middle of MCT office campus. So in a way he was made responsible for actions of some shadowrunners and now he's hiring (technically it's his mother organizing this but that's a detail) another ones. I think that can evoke some ambivalent emotions.
They are going to meet in secret soon to get some of his blood, pass the details of the plan, etc.
What are your thoughts on how to roleplay his attitude towards the characters and the whole thing?

P.S. He doesn't know that but, of course, it was our jolly bunch of psychos that have blown the lab up.


I am looking for some inspirations for an upcoming campaign I am currently planning, and I would like to eventually include some sort of train heist. Is there any official (or unofficial) stuff out there that could work as an inspiration?


So, talking about Cutting Black, I was thinking about running an heavily modified version for my players, it would have been their first big run (they usually only ran for small actors in Eastern Berlin so obviously that was big.

Basically, the first few sessions were about how they came into Detroit, the atmosphere of it and them trying to find a way to have some semblance of matrix access so the two technos could breath a little. So since they managed to hack an Ares 'link and piggyback on its connection for a few days they felt like they could explore a little bit.

The specialist of the group ("Streit") had always been the kind of guy to shoot first and ask questions never, to the point where some members of the team would regularly express their discontent directly to his face. It's not too much of a surprise the group didn't try to hard to reason with him when he had the idea of exploring one of the No Go Zones.

He found an Ares military camp, he tried to just walk to it but he found himself with a red dot on the shirt and a sergeant shouting at him. He thought he could reason with the still-shook sergeant. He could not. The sergeant's wife (a low level combat mage) showed him her mojo, thinking it would make him think twice about doing something dumb... After a warning shot Streit took cover behind a car and used a Called Shot to pulverize the mage's brain into a fine mist.

After some shenanigans the rest of the group see Streit walking back, covered in blood (he killed ~10 Ares soldiers, including some that tried to stop him from exiting the NGZ) with some bad wounds, not exactly what they had in mind from a simple exploration mission.

The group was not amused, half the group called him a liability, saying he was on his last chance and he blew it. They decided since they were ill-prepared that run wasn't worth it and that they wouldn't run with Streit anymore. A single other PC stayed with Streit, the group's Black Mage/Face, Whitemane.

That was effectively the end of the entire campaign, after a mere 2 days in Detroit. Streit's player told me he was honestly kinda tired of Streit and told me to retire him so I wrote a 13 chapter novel to explain exactly what happened in Detroit and we continued from there.

Honestly, I'm glad things went that way. Sure, The campaign seemed really interesting but the 2.5h of drama-filled RP and the lasting consequences on their characters was so worth that price.

Shadowrun Returns Trilogy 77% Off (store.steampowered.com)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Barbarian@sh.itjust.works to c/shadowrun@sh.itjust.works

For those that for whatever reason love the world of Shadowrun and never picked up the PC games, currently a huge discount as part of the Steam summer sale.


Made by s_beta on Fiverr, can't recommend enough! I basically just had to give her a basic idea, a few references and my character's concept and there he was!

River is my French Ogre Tarot Mage, his mentor is the Arcana, he tends to calls it "Destiny" or "Fate" though. He's convinced Fate exists and has learned to just go with the flow and to just go from event to event without letting the bad one weigh him down.

He has the Avenging Angel Code of Honor so the only Combat spell he knows is Stunbolt, he also has a revolver but only ever buys Stick n' Shock ammo. His team is on the exact opposite of the aggression scale so he tends to spend a lot of time healing dying opponents in fights.

He's pretty much a support mage, my goal is to be a master diviner and to use tarot summoning as much as possible (I just love the randomness of it). As of now he mostly has manipulation and illusion spells.


Okay so my players have spent most of their time in Eastern Berlin. After their latest run a big group of anarchists will approach them.

I think I played a bit too much with the "faceless evil" trope so I kinda want to have a proper bad guy on this few runs. The issue being that I don't really know what kind of bad guy would be a good fit. Even the obvious corpo exec I'm having a hard time finding a good motivation.

Do you guys have any idea for a cool bbeg that people would remember? Also even if it doesn't apply to my situation I'd love to hear about your bbeg!


cross-post: https://lemmy.world/post/775125

Somehow it feels very cyberpunk for me. Like Villiers vs Spinrad (I chose the CEOs randomly). Big crowds, huge advertisement flows, even those not interested in fights might get interested in these.

I think there was a sasquatch CEO somewhere. That would be an interesting match.

And how much PR would the corp loose if it turned out it was a biowared look-alike that was winning instead of Damien Knight?


This was an experienced group, and had been through quite a few runs by this point. After many runs working up the ladder, they'd managed to piss off all the local cops in Seattle, which was a perfect hook to pull them into the London Falling campaign. After that, they'd worked for most of the major corps by this point, so I wanted to do something in South America with Aztechnology.

As a starting point, I ran a wetwork run. Nothing too crazy for this group at this stage of development. Get in to a AA corp HQ, kill a high-level executive, get out. What I wanted to happen is that they'd talk to an NPC in the room clearly signalling that she was impressed and wanted them to do a job for her.

Oh boy, never count on your players to act rationally. They do the job pretty much as expected: decker gets into the security systems, face gets them through the front door, street sam sniper set up on the building across the road, and they finally get to the point where they can open the bulletproof windows for support fire as they go for the target.

Face & mage go into the room, bullshit a bit with the target about some computer troubles, data tap goes on, decker opens the glass, target goes down. The NPC says she's impressed with the work and wants to give them a commlink number, maybe they'll call it if they want some higher pay.

I barely get out "Impressive..." before the player playing the street sam says "I take the shot".

"What shot?"

"The shot on the witness"

"Hey, just giving you a heads up here as the GM, she's offering you a..."

"Don't care, I'm taking the shot. She's a witness."

So, they excavate the brain cavity of the connection to this big campaign I had planned in South America, and had to sit down and re-do most of the setup for it.

Maybe it's my fault? I can't exactly blame my players for being paranoid after instilling it into them xD



TL;DR: The book is overall pretty good. It's not a literary masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but the chapters that work, work really well. There are also chapters that are awful, and you should just straight-up ignore. There are also some very questionable editing decisions that mean you have to cross-reference things across both ends of the book, but this is something that can be overcome by taking notes and assembling a timeline yourself. This started as a review, but ended up being more of a GM guide on how to use the book. I hope nobody minds terribly.

Caveats: I am not going to be doing a deep lore analysis here, I'm just taking everything at face value and talking about the usefulness of the material to a gamemaster. I would classify my knowledge of Shadowrun lore as pretty decent. I'm not one of those amazing madlads that know every character and historical event in Shadowrun lore, but I know enough to get by and give my players an immersive experience and get the "feel" of Shadowrun right.

I'm gonna be doing this chapter by chapter, and giving my thoughts and practical tips on each.


As an introductory short story acting as a springboard to understanding the next chapter, it's not terrible. Although the Starship Troopers style "They're everywhere! Oh god the bugs!" is very hammed up and the milspeak is a bit wrong and jarring, it gets the message across. This was a useful read to get the feel of Ravenheart and her relationship to Ares, and Damien Knight's goals in Detroit. It also sets up the underground tunnels that the bugs are using to ambush Ares personnel quite well.

Also, just as a small note before going into the next chapter, I've seen quite a few people accuse this pair of chapters of being Chicago Bug City 2: Electric Boogaloo. I disagree. There's enough new stuff and different twists on it that it really does stand on its own. It builds off the events of Chicago quite naturally (from the Ares point of view at least).

Detroit Rupture

Basic rundown: Ares has been experimenting with possessing insect spirits with human souls. They're doing this to try and control some of the bugs, as a weapon against other bugs (Alpha Merges). They attract a whole bunch of bugs to Detroit via unknown methods, and then of course the controlled bugs go rogue and start killing everyone (who had the bright idea of using psychopaths and/or murderers to pilot those bugs?!?). Lots of fighting, a few b-plots (like Ravenheart's renegade Firewatch crew and the 61st Independent Rangers), and then Damien Knight gets murdered by mysterious space laser. Arthur Vogel blows up most of the remaining board members in a false flag and becomes the new head of Ares. Official coverup story is that anti-Ares terrorists wrecked the city and Ares bravely fought them off.

So... where to start. This was the hardest chapter to pull all the dates out of and assemble into a chronological order, mainly because a lot of it split between this and the "Detroit Now" chapter. Make sure you read that chapter after this one, then go back to "Blackout" (you'll see later why you should skip over "Ghost Army" entirely).

The characterizations of Marv & Co. were pretty cool, and I used Platinum Trollgirls as the players' base of operations. There's quite a lot of interesting RP moments, clashes of worldviews and a general "Fellowship of the Ring" vibe you can get with shadowrunners, legal mercs and ex-corp military under one roof. Over the course of their time in Detroit, with player help Ravenheart made her own little army of Ares Firewatch defectors in the basement, and my players had a lot of fun, sad, and weird interactions with various ex-Ares military folk.

I kinda went hard on the idea of the split between loyalty to Ares and loyalty to Ravenheart for the ex-Ares soldiers, which made every scene where they had to work with the party against Ares very tense. I even made one a full-on Ares spy reporting to Damien about Ravenheart's whereabouts. Ravenheart is now a pretty important and integral contact for my players, and I'm glad I managed to make it work. The 61st were harder to use for me... they ended up feeling more like hired muscle, which I guess they are? I could have put more work into them, but they worked in the role.

I'm a big fan of the "This Just in: Motor City Mayhem!" section of this chapter, and actually copied it, formatted it, and had them find it on a corpse while doing a patrol of the area. It's a short transcript of a reporter in over her head trying to report from the front lines who doesn't make it (in my version at least). Was a nice humanizing moment for the party that underlined the fact that not everyone left in the city is an experienced fighter. I ended up editing the final entry of the first half because I didn't want to add any more b-plots, but if you want to expand the ghoul vs. ghoul stuff into a full run you definitely could. Of course, I didn't use the second half later in the chapter about the finale, but you could easily have her as an NPC, and/or have her show up at the finale.

I'm going to skip over a lot of detail about the Apex teams, the Alpha Merges, how Latvian Gambit was supposed to work vs how it played out, but you can read the book yourself if you want the details. Long story short, it's pretty useful stuff that you can sprinkle in as clues to your players as to what's going on at a big picture level while they're scrambling about trying to survive.

The 4-way standoff that happens between the bugs, Ares, Ravenhearts' irregulars and the Alphas is an amazing opportunity to do any b-plots or wrap-ups you want to do before the big finale. I used it to let them have a close encounter with a wounded Alpha to try and give them a few more clues as to how they worked and what they are (obviously they just shot the thing without talking to it because "bug scary, shoot scary bug" :P) and some helping out of the locals so they could feel a bit more heroic than your standard shadowrunners. I also had them set up a signal booster on top of a building to report to their fixer, and had an Ares-affiliated shadowrunner team try and murder them. It's always nice to reinforce the idea that your players are not the only shadowrunners in the world when possible and practicable.

You could do the finale a bunch of different ways: having the players defend the Platinum Trollgirls, having them at Ares Tower, off doing some spec-ops stuff to track down Otto Hendricks (big boss insect shaman) and assassinating him, but I chose to have them at Ares tower, with Ravenheart swooping in to save the day and saving the lives of people who think of her as a traitor. Was a fun moment, and the near-misses on blue-on-blue as the Ares soldiers eventually go "Fuck it" and ignore orders to shoot at Ravenheart to have the help vs the bugs was fun for all.

Whichever way you do it, make sure you really sell the gravity and the insanity of what happens to the tower, and the fact that this mysterious space laser attack just killed one of the most powerful metahumans on the planet.

Ghost Army

After starting with probably the best chapter, time to go to the worst. Oh boy do I think this chapter is just hot stinking trash. The book would have been improved a lot if they had just deleted the whole thing. For obvious reasons, I did not use this chapter and I recommend everyone else pretends it doesn't exist.

Sandwiched in-between a huge city-wide battle between 4 sides that ends in a climactic event that will be felt by one of the big ten, and a string of mysterious EMP attacks that leave millions without power, water and making food a problem long-term, is a bunch of no-name soldiers going missing due to a paracritter. That's the whole chapter in a nutshell. There's a paracritter. And it killed some soldiers. That's the whole thing. They describe this as a UCAS Corps, which if it's anything like the current US Corps, means tens of thousands of troops. The transcription is from the point of view of the poor schmuck sent to find out what happened to them, as his recon squad is slowly whittled down. Now, I think it's a perfectly reasonable spooky run setup, but the difference between a recon squad mysteriously going missing and up to 80,000 soldiers going missing is pretty big. This whole thing makes no sense, doesn't connect at all to anything around it (with the exception of some handwavy "3rd corps went missing" single sentence in the next chapter), and is just plain stupid.

This might still be usable if they went into any detail over what the paracritter is and how it deleted tens of thousands of soldiers from existence without a single one managing to radio in to say that something is sus. It doesn't. It just basically goes "lol superpowerful paracritter, figure out how it works and what it does yourself". It's absolutely stupid no matter which way you look at it.

I hit the character limit for posts, continuing in a comment below.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by thisguy@lemmy.world to c/shadowrun@sh.itjust.works

Hey, decided to try looking on here since Lemmy is growing quickly in popularity. Been struggling to find a group.

I would like to meet online weekly either on Wednesday mornings or Sunday afternoons (12:00 pm to 4:00 pm), with the game having an extended campaign (several months to over a year).

I have many years of experience with Shadowrun and have gmed a few games myself as well. I have played several different archetypes, from the street sam to the mage. I prefer playing magic, muscle, social, that kind of thing. Technical builds and hacking builds aren't very fun for me. I also prefer actual reactions from the NPCs/world from actions, looks, etc.

I can do Standard or Prime Runner. Can use Priority or Sum To Ten, but Sum To Ten is preferred

I am 23, so 18+ is okay with me.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by smegforbrains@lemmy.ml to c/shadowrun@sh.itjust.works

Here are some of my latest designs for Shadowrun 3E. They can all be used by starting characters, as the Availability of the gear is no more than 8.

The 1975 Ford Econoline is your State of the Art James-Bondesque vehicle. It sports concealed armor, a pop-up remote weapon turret, is able to run underwater and much more.

Ford Econoline 1975

The Harm-A-Tron MK I is an attack drone able to deliver a heavy punch from an Ingram Valiant.

Harm-A-Tron MK I Attack Drone

This AR Design has High Velocity Capability to shoot a single 6-Round bursts in a simple action without recoil, so you can go back into cover after firing.

AR Design with six round burst fire

Please feel free to critique or point out the errors I made.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by smegforbrains@lemmy.ml to c/shadowrun@sh.itjust.works

Pink Fohawk is a a polished Actual Play Podcast by a bunch of very funny and friendly guys, who take a deep dive into the world of Shadowrun 2E. You will love Rory.


I see that some old missions are receiving 6E updates, like the one in the link.
But I'm not sure if it's worth checking out.

Some probably could benefit from taking into consideration wireless matrix, but I wouldn't be surprised if these were only stat update.

Anyone knows what's inside?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Barbarian@sh.itjust.works to c/shadowrun@sh.itjust.works

I thought I'd share this funny story as it's easier to write than the Cutting Black review (coming soon).

It was the first session for a bunch of new players. I did the run I normally do for chummers: kill a gang leader called Chumkicker, frame another gang by copying their signature style. So, they decide to frame the Leather Devils as they have a bike fancy enough to make it work.

Their plan isn't bad, but I spot a pretty obvious hole in it and keep it to myself. They have the decker set up on the street corner to mess with smartlink systems and stuff, they have the mage make a big enough distraction to pull them out of the building, and they have the street sam & rigger do the actual drive-by.

The mage does the distraction (trid phantasm) from inside his car, and drives off as soon as the gang members start coming outside to investigate.

The street sam & rigger come roaring down the street, and while the decker is data spiking all the smartgun systems, they get the mark and roar off.

The decker is now alone, on a street corner, with no exit plan and the entire gang looking around for anybody associated with the hit.

What follows is a looney tunes escape, where he gets shot twice while summoning his scooter (yes, scooter. He blew all his starting nuyen on the best cyberdeck money could buy), and hops on and tries to drive away. Unfortunately, he doesn't have pilot ground vehicle trained, so he's rolling like 2 dice each combat round trying to gain speed. He eventually critically glitches and abandons the broken scooter, and tries to run on foot. He also does not have Running trained, btw.

While all of this is going on, the rest of the party has met up, starts high-fiving (the players knew what was going on, kudos to them for staying in character and not metagaming), and one of them asks "Where's the decker?". They all turn pale as they realize what happened, and get back on their respective vehicles trying to rescue him.

By the time they get there, the decker's been shot a few more times, managed to lose them for a few combat rounds in a crowd but is bleeding profusely, and another shot finally knocks him out cold (burned edge permanently to not die). As he's laying there, with the gang members coming to finish him off, the rest of the party roars in, starts a short gunfight and rescues him.

Moral of the story: have an exit plan for everyone.

Shadowplans (www.drivethrurpg.com)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Barbarian@sh.itjust.works to c/shadowrun@sh.itjust.works

cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/49984

Very well-made detailed maps, but the costs add up quickly if you're a regular user. I'm not a gigantic fan of paying 1-4 USD for each individual map a-la-carte rather than paying for a pack.

However, there are cough alternate means of acquiring these maps on certain sites using certain peer-to-peer download protocols.

Please remember to be reasonable though: if you like the products and feel it adds value, support the artists.


This may feel a little bit out of context, I'm cutting out a lot that I don't want to influence the ideas.

Local MCT Head of Security is supposed to commit seppuku. My players are hired to fake it and extract him. Extracting the family too is bonus pay. It is supposed to look as if he does it and family disappears. If MCT doesn't suspect anything, it won't be looking for the family afterwards.
I am wondering what are acceptable ways it could be organized but can't find the details in the books.

  • a meeting in MCT HQ - will be hard to fake and extract, but if they figure it out, MCT will not be suspecting anything
  • in their home, recorded and sent to local CEO - I think MCT should accept this as valid, making the whole thing easier, as long as nothing looks weird

Do you have any other ideas?

Of course, the question why fake it instead of just extracting the whole family at once is valid, but at this point this is a question to my players. How thorough do they want to be.


cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/49155

These are perfect for Shadowrun

An excellent map pack I use quite often. If you're not using foundry, you can get the maps here.

His work is awesome. If you use them and have the spare money, please consider contributing to his work.

Paranoia Required (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Barbarian@sh.itjust.works to c/shadowrun@sh.itjust.works
Shadowrun Ink (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

Shadowrun has been an important part of my life since first edition. I even got published at one point! So, I have a Shadowrun tattoo to commemorate the role it has played in my life!

Image description: A partial shot of a woman. The photo is focused on her upper left arm, with part of her chin and hair also visible. On her arm she has a stylised feathered serpent in black ink, shaped like the Shadowrun logo

Shadowrun Quick-Start Rules (shadowruntabletop.com)

Even moar stuff saved from Reddit

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A place to discuss Shadowrun the TTRPG, the series of games by Harebrained Schemes, lore or anything else Shadowrun related.

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