[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 23 points 9 months ago

Gabe Newell will die one day and with him the age of gaming shall die as well.

Any other owner would sell out to the billions of amazon and microsoft.

[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 21 points 9 months ago

Well let's be hoping she doesn't turn weird like JK Rowling. It seems there's something in the air that makes billionaires turn rather right wing

I've avoided saying things like fascist, nazi, bigot, because there's been a history of JK Rowling litigating people who call her a fascist, transphobic, bitch and I don't want to do that yet

[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 17 points 9 months ago

Because early bird gets the worm (monopoly over houses) and then beggars can't be choosers

As a landlord, can I ask you what are you doing online? You still have money to pay your Internet bill? That's it! From next month I'm rising the month y'all don't need all this luxuries

[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 28 points 10 months ago

Fuck chromium and fuck Google

[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 17 points 10 months ago

We should just tax bunker fuel up to a point where it's a bit cheaper to run sails..... Only if we had a planet wide universal accord on it

[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 31 points 10 months ago


[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 43 points 10 months ago

Imagine paying 70$ for a f2p mmo where you always just play by yourself but you get banned if you cheat

[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 17 points 10 months ago

Yeah, most millionaires have no profit and they're in the red. We need even more taxes on small aircrafts that are used for private charter, more taxes on purchasing and operating helicopters, taxes on the kerosene not used in military scope.

Taxes on luxury cars that only the billionaire's afford. Every car over 150.000 USD should have a 100% tax to feed the homeless and the kids

[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 28 points 10 months ago

He ain't bright and Google will win this because most of men are just puppets unwilling to discern

[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 104 points 10 months ago

And spoiling Internet for the rest of us. None of us would have to go through this if more people used alternatives to chromium. No website would've accepted a 50% loss in visitors over accepting some companies special protocol

[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 36 points 10 months ago

Feels bad but I can't condone this behaviour anymore and I feel ashamed that I haven't seen the greed Google is capable of doing.

In the coming months I will do my best to migrate away from the Google system, even if I end up paying a tad more, maybe just in time to set up a home server for photos.

[-] ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world 27 points 10 months ago

I wanted to ask if you were born yesterday but I'll try to be more educative than sassy.

All companies in China exist purely with the blessing of the political party. No approval, no company. Everything is done by their books.

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