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Eternity is a free and open-source Lemmy client, forked from Infinity for Reddit!

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  1. Stay on topic: All posts should be related the Eternity project

  2. Be descriptive: If you're reporting a bug, please provide as much detail as you can. Screenshots can be helpful!

  3. Be nice: Keep it positive! Treat others with respect, even if you disagree. Accordingly, you should expect others to be nice to you as well. Report intentionally rude comments.

  4. No piracy: Do not share links or direct people to pirated content.

  5. No advertising: Please refrain from advertising products or other projects here.

founded 2 years ago

Just that... It seems the app fails to fetch a user's posts or comment history when tapping on him.


Is it just me that Eternity becomes laggy when scrolling on multiple images? I tried scrolling the post on lemmy website and it works just fine. post example


Not sure how feasible this would be, but my favourite Reddit app (Joey) has this feature.

It allows a user to "follow" an arbitrary post or comment and receive an notifications when new comments or replies are posted. E.g. "Post 'abc' has 9 new comments" or "Comment 'xyz' has 3 new replies".

Useful for keeping up with active threads which have gotten buried in the feed due to age, as well as cases of "I have that question too, and would love to know the answer if someone responds".

Anyway, thanks Bazsalanszky for an already great app! It is my current most-used Lemmy app.

  1. How do you add a community to Favourites in the side bar? I've already added one at some point in the past and can't remember how I accomplished that.

  2. What is Lazy Mode?


I often find image posts where clicking on the thumbnail doesn't load the picture and shows a generic error message. If I copy the image link, I can open it ok in the browser. I haven't been able to tie this to specific instances or communities, so I don't know what might be causing it.

Has anyone else seen this issue?


I tried cross-posting from within the app, but the results were not what I expected when compared to the Lemmy desktop UI.

Cross-posting using the Eternity app yields this result:

  • Post URL links to itself (not very useful)
  • Post body contains only the name of the original community with no link or content

Cross-posting using the Lemmy desktop UI yields this result:

  • Post URL links to the article (actually useful)
  • Post body contains a link to the original post and quotes the content of the original post body

Edit to add tags: "cross post" "cross-post" "crosspost"


Hey everyone. I noticed theres an ootion in the settings to change what the tabs on top are showing, and I changed the last one from All to Multicommunities. However theres nothing there as I havent figured out how to create a multicommunity yet. Anyone have any advise? Thanks!


Feature request: Extend the upvote/downvote hitbox to include the vote tally (number) in addition to just the arrows. The arrows alone are pretty small target, and my fat finger frequently collapses the comment instead of voting.


I have had this issue for a while now that I cannot go to my previous comments or replies to my comments in my inbox, meaning I cannot tap on them to get to the post they are in.

Instead it briefly shows the post, then all content is gone and its a completely empty page. Just see the top and bottom bar essentially.

How to reproduce, just go to your profile, go to comments or posts you made, tap on one. Same for replies in my inbox.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/eternityapp

Bookmark Users
As far as I understand, there's currently no feature in Lemmy to follow or bookmark users. Creating bookmarks for other users just in the Eternity app would still be useful though. By that i just mean some list of user accounts, no custom feed of their posts. The Sync App currently has such a feature, called "Favourites".

View Instances
When visiting some community or some user account, I would like to be able to get to an overview of their instance, primarily, to see what kind of communities are on that instance, and to see the main feed of that instance. That would be particularly helpful for themed instances, like country-specific instances. The Connect App currently has this feature.
Being able to search for an instance or to search some instance for posts/communities/users might also be helpful to some but is less desired by me.

Overall, Eternity is still my preferred Lemmy App, particularly because of its UI, but some other apps have features I would enjoy here as well.


The eternity for lemmy app have many bugs and almost everyone is reporting it correctly. But why the dev not giving the update to resolve the issues?


I've been unable to use the app for around a month since the last update, because the anonymous home page glitches the entire app, with the screen flickering and interacting with the app not working.

Has anyone discovered a fix for this? The closest "solution" I found is opening a lemmy link with the app. This lets me browse communities and users by searching for them, but I still can't use the app normally: home, all, and popular pages and the settings menu are inaccessible.

Also, if you haven't tried anonymous mode in the app, don't. That'll break your app lol

Thank you!


When using swipe nav from post to post, nothing gets marked as read. It's either a bug or I can't find the right settings to get the post to be marked as read.

Here's the settings I have turned on: Settings > Post History > everything is checked except for "Mark Posts as Read After Voting".

Thanks for the help!


On Reddit, ^^ requires escaping, because of that character being used for superscript, but on Lemmy, it should be displayed normally, because of using standard Markdown.



Whenever I try to follow a link to a subreddit (and probably to a post in reddit as well), the app crashes.


I like to browse lemmy by opening a post and the swiping right for the next post, or left for the previous one. I already browsed reddit with Infinity before, and it worked flawlessly. The thing I noticed in Eternity is that, when I reach the end of the "page" (preloaded posts), I get stuck in a "Loading..." screen, I then have to go back to the feed, scroll down past the last post I was shown, and then it will load the next batch of posts and I can resume swipe browsing again. Can we have the app auto load from the post details, instead of being stuck in that "Loading..." screen?


When I tap on the box to choose the community the app crashes and makes me go back to the home. I tried reinstalling it from fdroid and aurora store, same issue.


Hello everyone!

First and foremost, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who poured their time, talent, and effort into creating icons for Eternity. The creativity and dedication displayed by our community are truly overwhelming. I'm sincerely grateful to each and every one of you.

I'd also like to apologize for the delay in putting up this voting thread. Life has been especially busy lately, and I appreciate everyone's understanding and patience during these times.

Voting Rules:

  1. Only upvotes count as a vote. To keep things fair and positive, please refrain from downvoting.

  2. The thread will be open for voting for a week unless we see a clear winner before then.

To cast your vote, simply upvote the comment containing your favorite icon design. And once again, I kindly ask that you avoid downvoting any submissions.

In light of the upcoming changes in Lemmy 0.19, I am planning a minor release that could feature the winning icon.

Thank you all for your continuous support and contributions to Eternity. Let's vote and select the icon that will represent our app!


cross-posted from:

We are getting closer to the next major release. This version will have many breaking changes, so we are listing them here for app and client developers to adjust their projects.

As we prepare for the release of Lemmy 0.19.0, we'd like to provide any app or client developers ample time to upgrade their apps, as well as discover any problems, before we do the release. This will be at least 4 weeks from now (but likely longer).

Server admins can also upgrade to the latest release candidates for testing. Be aware that they are still unstable and shouldn't be used in production. As with any upgrade it is important to have working backups in place.

It should be possible for clients to support both Lemmy 0.18 and 0.19 without major workarounds. If backwards compatibility is causing you trouble, comment below and we will help to find a solution.

To test, you can point your app to the following test instance running a release candidate of 0.19.0:

A diff of API changes is here: lemmy-js-client API changes from 0.18.3 -> 0.19.0-rc's

Note for developers not using typescript or rust:

If you'd like to auto-generate an API client for your language, you can try out @MV-GH's lemmy_openapi_spec, or (if in kotlin), use Jerboa's script here.

Major Changes


Previous Lemmy versions used to take authentication as query/post parameters. This is insecure and unnecessarily complicated. With 0.19, the jwt token can be passed either as cookie with name auth, or as header in the form Authorization: Bearer .

A major advantage is that this allows us to send proper cache-control headers, with responses to unauthenticated users being cacheable. It also prevents token leaks in web server logs. The login and registration endpoints attempt to set the cookie automatically. If that is supported on your platform, you don't have to worry about the authentication token at all.

In order for your client to be compatible with both Lemmy 0.18 and 0.19, you should send auth in both ways. Meaning with each API call, send the old auth query/post parameter, as well as the new header or cookie.

A few PRs detailing these changes:

Users can block instances

Users can now block instances, so that their communities are hidden from listings. This is done via POST /api/v3/site/block with parameters int instance_id, bool block.

New sort options

A new scaled sort option has been added. This sort is identical to the Hot sort, but also takes into account the number of each community's active monthly users, and so helps to boost posts from less active communities to the top.

2FA / TOTP Rework

Two-Factor-Authentication is now enabled in a two-step process to avoid locking yourself out. Now a secret needs to be generated first with POST /api/v3/user/totp/generate (no parameters). The generated token needs to be added by the user to an authenticator app.

Once this is completed, 2FA can be enabled with POST /api/v3/user/totp/update. This takes a string parameter totp_token (generated by authenticator app), and boolean enabled. 2FA can be disabled again with the same update endpoint. Additionally, the 2FA algorithm has been changed to SHA1 for better compatibility.

The update disables 2FA for all accounts, so that users who are locked out can use their accounts again, and to ease the transition to the SHA1 algorithm.

Timestamps now include timezone

Previous Lemmy versions used timestamps without any timezone internally. This caused problems when federating with other software that uses timezones.

Going forward, all timestamps in the API are switching from timestamps without time zone (2023-09-27T12:29:59.113132) to ISO8601 timestamps (e.g. 2023-10-29T15:10:51.557399+01:00 or Z suffix). In order to be compatible with both 0.18 and 0.19, parse the timestamp as ISO8601 and add a Z suffix if it fails (for older versions).

Cursor based pagination

0.19 adds support for cursor based pagination on the /api/v3/post/list endpoint. This is more efficient for the database. Instead of a query parameter ?page=3, listing responses now include a field "next_page": "Pa46c" which needs to be passed as ?page_cursor=Pa46c. The existing pagination method is still supported for backwards compatibility, but will be removed in the next version.

New endpoints for export/import of user settings data

Users can now export their profile settings data (including subscriptions and blocklists) via GET /api/v3/user/export. The returned JSON data should not be parsed by clients, but directly downloaded as a file. Backups can be imported via POST /api/v3/user/import.

Make remove content optional during account deletion

When a user deletes their own account using POST /api/v3/user/delete_account, there is a new parameter called delete_content. If it is true, all posts, comments and other content created by the user are deleted (this is the previous default behaviour). If it is false, only the user profile will be marked as deleted.

Outgoing Federation Queue

The federation queue has been rewritten to be much more performant and reliable. This is irrelevant for client developers, but admins should look out for potential federation problems. If you run multiple Lemmy backends for horizontal scaling, be sure to read the updated documentation and set the new configuration parameters. The Troubleshooting section has information about how to find out the state of the federation queues.


Idk if this is an Eternity issue since I haven't tried this on any other app but crossposting simply doesn't work. I've tried several times with different posts over 2 weeks to the same result.


I am having issues subscribing to !, but I do think it also happens with other communities on different instances.

I subscribe via the main button or via the plus in the search function. The community may appear in the sidebar, sometimes it does not at all, but whenever I restart the app the subscription is fully gone.

Weird thing is, on another app for lemmy I can still see I am subscribed, so I am not sure what is going on.


If i switch search sort order from relevant to activity in the community search tab i cant switch it back to relevant.

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