No, it's a day to marvel at the implementation of the core tenets of saving resources: Reduce, reuse, recycle.

This meme uses the second tenet to its fullest. Just imagine how much energy and resourves would need to be spent to create a mature movie as popular as this children's cartoon. You could use the third tenet, recycling, to create the mature movie by editing Disney's "Lion King" into one but that would still require significantly more resources than just using the second tenet.

[-] 2 points 22 hours ago

Nächstes mal einfach e926 verlinken, dann wird garantiert nichts gelöscht

[-] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Zoomer here, how do I claim my knees' warranty? They've started hurting AT LEAST a decade too soon.

Ich habe mich ganze zwei Minuten gewundert: "Wie kann man denn Dualität studieren, das ist doch nur ein kleiner Teil des Mathestudiums." bis ich daraut kam, dass sowas wie ein duales Studiuk existiert.....

Weiß ich nicht, hängt davon ab was du ins Suchfeld eingibst

Sure but in Buddhism it's still like a trillion years in hell which is more than enough to break you

Why? Couldn't they have twins, triplets or more with every pregnancy?

When purchasing new appliances, choose more efficient appliances over less efficient one's. Replace all your incandescent lightbulbs with LEDs. Limit your use of air conditioning to reasonable temperatures. Choose energy-saving programs for your washing machine and hang your clothes outside to dry when it's warm instead of using a dryer.

Stop driving unnecessarily. If there is decent enough public transit, use it instead of a car even if it takes longer. If the distances are short, use a bicycle. Choose food that causes fewer carbon emissions - locally grown vegetables are the best in that regard.

On its own none of these matter. Combined however they will significantly reduce your emissions. None of these cause significant sacrifices.

Not only should we ban plastic straws, we should continuously ban more and more plastic. First plastic straws, then plastic bags, then plastic packaging. The systematic change will happen either gradually or spontaneously. I prefer the latter but if the former is all we have it must be encouraged as much as possible.

[-] 12 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)


Laut :

Von den rund 45.000 [türkisch] gestellten Erstanträgen von Januar bis Oktober 2023 entfallen knapp 38.000 auf Kurden.

In diesem Jahr liegt die Gesamtschutzquote, also der Anteil der positiven Asylentscheidungen, bei Türken bei 57 Prozent und bei kurdischen Türken unter fünf Prozent.

Und wieso so viel Ablehnung?

Doch noch immer werde die Einschätzung der türkischen Justiz übernommen, kritisiert sie. Die Menschenrechtslage werde auch auf Grund von politischen Gründen schöngeredet, so Judith

Übersetzung: Türkei klagt regimekritische Kurden wegen Terrorismus an, Deutschland übernimmt diese Auffassung in den meisten Fällen und daher wird kein Asyl gewährt.

[-] 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Huh? Phonetically it could sound like "ze males" with a thick German accent but that's not what I meant.

I quote:

No one likes xi. It is impossible to write, I mean which great mind thought it would be a good idea to turn a tornado into a letter, simply preposterous.

Edit: I can kinda see where the slur is now, bur that's not how you pronounce (the Greek letter) "xi". Xi is pronounced /zaɪ/ ZY or /(k)saɪ/ (K)SY in English and [ksi] in Greek.

I despise xi males, they have the worst Greek letter.

That's why USB ports are always worse than a proper outlet. Just take your charging brick with you, what's the problem?

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Hello! Does anyone have a spare invite? Thanks in advance!

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