[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 21 points 4 days ago

I don't think this is legal basically anywhere. In the US, this would be brandishing or threatening with a deadly weapon.

[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 6 points 5 days ago

Sort of. BPA and related pollutants have resulted in frogs developing as hermaphrodites.

Iirc he alleged it is an intentional plot (it isn't, it's a unintended product of pollution), and he said they're becoming gay/homosexual instead of becoming hermaphrodites.

[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 61 points 1 month ago

Average cost of college is under $150k/person. Warrant Buffet is worth $133,500,000,000 (rounded heavily). Warranty buffet could pay for approximately 890,000 people to go to college.

However given the fact that is most of a million people, and how much of a racket education in the US, I think the actual figure is much higher, because he could do several things to drastically reduce the overhead involved.

[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 65 points 2 months ago

This probably shouldn't surprise me. She was originally a Christian musician before she figured out that she was talented enough to make serious money if she marketed herself on sex appeal.

[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 73 points 2 months ago

No reason they should exist in any day and age.

Companies do not pay per packet. Paying more for more bandwidth or lower latency kind of makes sense because theoretically they may be prioritizing your traffic when the network is under too much load. But sending 16 petabytes costs exactly the same as 1kb in a month, assuming your connection is fast enough to handle 16 petabytes in a month.

[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 69 points 2 months ago

Google maps doesn't account for breaks. They're assuming you can walk at 3mph, and however much time you need to rest and eat is up to you.

Just like 1 day and 23 hours is only drive time. They're not accounting for the naps that you will definitely need.

[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 53 points 3 months ago

I imagine they're expecting some athletes to bring their own, free condoms tend to suck.

I also imagine some people will go without by choice.

[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 84 points 3 months ago

No, antivirus in general is not a good idea these days. It is extremely invasive, consumes resources, and doesn't actually do much of anything.

Don't sideload random APKs off the web and you'll be fine.

[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 45 points 3 months ago

I vote no.

Switch hardware in general is a much worse experience than emulation due to graphical limits, no save backups, etc.

If my understanding is correct, a used steam deck should be about €300, which will offer a much better experience for your switch games and play other games as well.

[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 50 points 4 months ago

In the US, wages were high enough that you could afford rent and a decent living as an unskilled laborer until fairly recently.

Also, if you lived with your parents you could not fuck. Even if your parents were not religious, it was a social value and they probably weren't cool with it. And your date probably wasn't cool with it wither, because it was weird.

[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 82 points 4 months ago

Cars are a huge one. I know Lemmy is very radically against cars, but they are basically necessary for many (most?) Americans.

What is not necessary is the average price of a new car nearly doubling in 10 years. A $50k car should be a big luxury, not the fucking national average.

In order to afford a car that pricey, most people will have to severely compromise their savings, and/or get a loan that will last as long or longer than the car.

[-] scoobford@lemmy.zip 46 points 5 months ago

They mean you have to press the button. If you lock with the door button or by using the keylock on the outside of a door, it doesn't work.

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