[-] phil_m@lemmy.ml 1 points 10 months ago

Skip void, try NixOS :P (my colleague switched from void too)

[-] phil_m@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 year ago

Nah that title already holds NixOS

[-] phil_m@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago

I personally don't understand why the loudness and dust pollution (which often also seems to be a bigger issue with bikes compared to cars as well) is much more regulated with bikes and cars, since a lot more people are suffering because of it compared to the "fun" for a few (assholes...).

One way or the other, the future is likely electronic, and I hope that this will happen sooner than later... As when using electronic bikes these issues compared to cars turn around:

  • It's more efficient than cars, because you don't have these issues with high RPM etc. you have mentioned which is just inefficient combustion
  • Even more silent than electronic cars (and I really don't like the argument, that these vehicles need to be loud for the safety of pedestrians, design goddamn infrastructure that is safe for them regardless of the noise the vehicles make, you may have some kind of automatic warning in the future if this is really relevant).

Also issues like short battery life (or sluggish bike when using a big battery) will likely be solved incrementally in the future. In the meantime please (targeted to politicians) just regulate them slowly towards electronic bikes (e.g. allow only very silent new bikes, which is basically a death sentence to combustion, when very silent).

[-] phil_m@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 year ago

Additionally to what the others already said:

LD50 and "bad for your health" are quite separate things.

Vitamin D for example has an LD50 of ~30mg per kg. So according to your logic, it's way unhealthier than aspartame (factor ~100). Though in reality you would die without vitamin D intake.

[-] phil_m@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 year ago

You can almost never say that something is not dangerous, unless it's practically mathematically proven...

This applies especially for food etc.

I think we have to be much more conservative with food and substances we put into it. A lot of (Meta-)meta-studies suggest, that processed food is a health risk.

And this may sound a little bit far-fetched, but I think a good amount of the idiocracy in (especially) the USA may be related to the food (as also a lot of studies have found connections to brain/psychological health).

[-] phil_m@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 year ago

Oh yeah, fuck those loud motorcycles (please just use an electric one, they are superior in almost every way by now (but cost...)). I don't get how these assholes enjoy annoying everyone around them, especially when driving through highly populated areas.

[-] phil_m@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 year ago

I think we reached a singularity here...

[-] phil_m@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 year ago

Bullschwein Bingo - alle Punkte!


joined 3 years ago