[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 2 points 3 days ago

No, not since high school / moving out of the house. I did live in the house for a few years after high school while commuting to a local college and working part-time (full-time during the summer), that certainly helped me get on my own feet even if it wasn't specifically financial.

My parents weren't particularly wealthy. At one point they had even declared bankruptcy so I didn't try too hard to get any school loans through them let alone anything else regarding money.

[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 27 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

the web page essentially accuses me of being a criminal and asks for my bank records. No way in hell.

Yeah don't bother doing that. All that will accomplish is them gathering even more information on you, they rarely/never actually unlock your account & let you use it again. You've been permanently blacklisted on their service, just move on. And honestly you don't need Paypal anyway.

Similar stupid thing happened to me too I think about 10-15 years ago, I was using virtual credit card numbers that my credit card company was generating for me & Paypal thought that was suspicious enough to close my account & permanently blacklist me LOL.

Fun fact: I did learn over the years that I can temporarily create new Paypal account(s) as long as I don't use the same mailing/billing addresses or credit cards/bank accounts. But then it's just a waiting game, they usually figure it out eventually and close the Paypal account yet again.

[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 44 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Wow that's a useful list of things they accept for recycling. It's a total PITA to recycle anything electronics related in my city especially stuff like computers & hard drives let alone cables. That may end up getting me inside a Staples more often than once every year or two so maybe their plan is going to work.

[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 50 points 2 months ago

Perhaps you're overthinking this? In the house you can go barefoot, keep socks on, and/or wear slippers/loafers.

When you go outside you put on shoes.

So yes most people would have a shoe rack or just keep their shoes placed near the door. If you have multiple doors sure you can consider keeping extra pairs of shoes there or some sort of in between like outdoor slippers/something for when you just need to go check the mail or whatever.

[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 43 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

You should consider migrating away from lemmy.world for piracy discussions/topics


[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 31 points 3 months ago

Yup, Swiss Army Man was pretty unhinged in the best way possible LOL. The fact that Radcliffe was in it, playing a flatulent dead guy no less, made me realize he's game to play just about any role that gets him out of the Harry Potter typecast.

[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 28 points 3 months ago

Talk to families of unjustified imprisoned people or to the people itself.

Do you actually know & speak to people in El Salvador? Pretty much everyone I know there (family/friends) are ecstatic that there are no more gang members running around unchecked. The country is safer now then it has been in years.

Nothing is perfect of course, poverty is still a major issue, but not having to deal with gang members every time you ride the bus, go out shopping, even just drive around, it's a huge deal over there.

Sure I get what you're saying but for most people there it's been a positive development.

But since he just imprisoned everyone and their relatives, its only a temporary fix – unless he wants to imprison them for life.

True.. to be honest I suspect those people are imprisoned for life. No one expects gang members to be let out of prison while Bukele is still running the country, that's going to be something that gets revisited when/if he's out of office. It's a massive human rights issue but at least for now the majority of Salvadorans consider it a net positive.

The funny thing is that this article is about bitcoin & most Salvadorans don't particularly care about that at all, it's just kind of a headline that isn't going to win/lose Bukele any support in the short term at least.

[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 16 points 3 months ago

The 1940-1950 era is the rough timeframe when the factory farming of poultry took off, especially once antibiotics started being widely used to group even more chickens together in those factory conditions. e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibiotic_use_in_the_United_States_poultry_farming_industry#History_of_federal_policy_on_antibiotic_use_in_livestock

[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 87 points 6 months ago

Once worked with a guy who refused to wash dishes, said that is a woman's responsibility. He only uses paper plates and plastic utensils.

I never asked him if he cooked but kind of figure it'd the be same answer LOL.

[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 24 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Even the German specific Lemmy instances like https://feddit.de do not block the piracy discussion communities.

The piracy blocking stuff seems like something lemmy.world admins decided to do based on a troll from another instance demanding it.

[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 130 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Not only that, it was a brand new account on a totally different Lemmy instance that demanded lemmy.world admins remove piracy related communities.

Honestly it seems like lemmy.world admins were trolled by some random throwaway account and took the bait.

EDIT: The post in question in case others haven't seen it https://lemmy.world/post/3175920, a new account from lemm.ee makes their first & only post in lemmy.world demanding that they defederate & remove anything piracy related.

[-] otherbarry@lemmy.zip 59 points 11 months ago

I suspect most people (including me) are probably lurkers/upvoters. The lurkers will have more to say when the new season is live :)

Also, where does that subscriber count come from? I looked at this community via 3 different Lemmy instances & saw different numbers on each of them.. maybe that number is just specific to the amount of local instance members subscribed to that community. Here at lemmy.zip we're at 18 subscribers for !futurama@lemmy.world

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