[-] Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone 3 points 14 hours ago

Found another windows-only issue with soundblaster PCI models the other day where the driver causes “an unstable overclock” on the cpu.

[-] Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone 9 points 15 hours ago

Having a solar heated loop for radiated heating in the floor is definitely a setup I want to get going.

[-] Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone 1 points 16 hours ago

How about going to a water park and riding a jet ski on the lazy river?

[Spoilers Episode 13] (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

Episode 13: The God Killers

You began in the cellars of Castle Grenwyrd, stood before Lesota, Endellion's Mother. Seemingly in shock, she automatically began to prepare bread and soup while Roose (the castle priest) introduced to Isolde, Eden's wife. Lesota took Endellion aside and briefly burst into tears telling her they had much to talk about but that she had better go and inform her brothers that she was home. You decided to split up.
Dolly, Raidion, and I (tCntM) heading off to explore the castle whilst Kelnys went with Endellion as she reunited with her brother Kellin while she trained villagers in the use of a longbow. The others climbed the ramparts to the top of the tower at the southwest corner of the castle where they found Eden (eldest of the brothers) being guarded by Kylen (the youngest of the Grenwyrds) still resident in the castle. On telling them that their sister lived, it was immediately apparent that Eden had been aware all along, sparking anger from Kylen who thundered away to find her. Raidion took the opportunity to ask how he could best gain Endellion's confidence. Eden telling him that his sister would only respect actions, not words.
Down at the training grounds, Endellion was painfully embraced by Kylen and greeted with a wry smile by Eden before the brothers went inside and you were reunited with one another outside at the castle gates. You were led up to Endellion's room, covered as it was in dust, and still full of her old belongings.
Raidion and Endellion buried the hatchet after their set two in the tunnels before Jeremy Teaberry (valet to Eden) asked the party to meet with the Grenwyrd family in Riodhir and Iota's chambers. The reunion was complete, as Endellion was embraced by her final brother Torian. You shared stories of The Gloam, attempting to form a plan of action that would break their siege. Eventually you resolved that the party would journey through the tunnels arriving to flank the Gloam as the brothers attacked from the gate. A plan of action decided upon, Lesota once again took Endellion aside for an unfamiliar heart to heart. Despite her discomfort Lesota apologized for her daughter, offering explanation and context for the choices she made on her behalf (during a childhood in which mother and daughter had often felt distant). As recompense, she gifted Endellion her own family short sword of a life Lesota had wanted to escape, but realized now, her daughter had always craved.
Back in Endellion's room, you shared stories of your families. Endellion reading a letter her father had left on her bed; written to the daughter he thought he'd lost. She was snapped out of her reverie by shouts from the battlements, where you joined the rest of the Grenwyrd family.
In the field beyond the walls, fires had been lit. Dolly heard a message in her head as a masked woman delivered an offer:

Leave with the wounded and surrender the castle. Her threat accompanied by the sounds of screaming from nearby buildings.
Bolstered by the support of his sister, Eden refused to abandon the keep. The Gloam emissary then calling out to imply that there may be traitors in our midst, ending her threat with the words,
"The Web is Wide."
Dolly demanded to speak with you all and left the battlements. In a stable far from the burning buildings and the Grenwyrds, Dolly revealed she had been told to deliver the supplies to the Gloam and that the Web had allied itself with the cult. Knowing that to disobey orders was to risk everything, you resolved to strike out from the Web. Flies no more, you would fight for one another and for the survival of House Grenwyrd

Previous Episode: Flies in the Ointment

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The Cat Lady Voting Bloc (pictrs.blahaj.zone)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/naturalsix@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Dream of the Dragonborn

alternative front-end

Step into the mind of a Dragonborn! In this special one-shot episode, join the team as they dive into the dreamscape of a snoozing Kelnys. But can Endellion, Raidion, Dolly, and I navigate the twisting turns of his imagination, or will they find themselves trapped in a nightmare?

Join Natural Six as they explore the new 2024 Player's Handbook in this standalone and spoiler-free adventure! See their characters crafted using the latest rules, offering a sneak peek at the changes coming your way on September 17th.

[Spoilers Episode 12] (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/naturalsix@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

Episode 12: Flies in the Ointment

Last time you began in the Distau Woods on the borders of Mouse. Endellion bringing the party up to speed on the series of trials that awaited in the tunnels before you could enter the Grenwyrd Keep via the cellars. When the others questioned how she would have such knowledge, she told them that (rather than possessing any privileged information) she was merely a native of Mouse and had learned some things in her years living there. Not entirely satisfied, you settled down to rest.
The night passing without event until Kelnys, alone in the dark, decided to investigate the deck of cards that Raidion carries. An attempt to take them silently from the Wood Elf's pack roused the trancing wizard but he allowed his companion to open the pouch and study the deck. Searing pain passed through the dragonborn as he began to see names appear on the cards before they faded again. By now the entire party were awake and looking on as Kelnys closed his eyes and attempted to attune to the deck as whispers and the sounds of water grow in his head. Next he spoke to the cards but the druid felt another surge of pain and (having received no answers) returned the deck to Raidion's pack.
The next morning, Endellion led the party to the base of a great tree and (moving rocks aside) revealed a seam that ran through the center of the trunk and led to a spiral staircase. You all descended, entering a series of natural caves filled with the sounds of running water. Endellion led you through the caves and behind a waterfall to a space where the Grenwyrd children had made bunks for themselves in fissures in the rock. Once more, the others questioned Endellion of her knowledge of these caves but she remained steadfast in her refusal to entertain such inquiries.
You reached a great door. Endellion using her dagger to open it before you entered a chamber that housed a great mass of red glowing rock covered in limb-sized holes. Upon approaching it I (TCNTM) realized that fierce heat was emanating from the rock. Dolly spotted letters carved into it reading:

How much can you bear? How much can you sacrifice?
Raidion placed his hand into one of the holes, enduring searing pain and choosing to take close to his max hp in damage, though a failed CON save caused him to lose consciousness. As he did, a hollow circle of flame appeared in the far wall. A section of it filling with fire as Raidion sacrificed himself. The rest of you all placed your hands into the rock. I (TCNTM) also falling unconscious as he was overwhelmed by the pain. With Dolly's final contribution, the flaming circle was completed. The glowing stone cooled as you gained access to the next chamber and you were able to revive Raidion and I.
Within you found a stone grid on the floor of a narrow chamber. A single letter carved into each slab. After experimenting with various spellings, magic missiles and bouncing wildfire spirits, you eventually identified that a series of stalagmites and stalagtites in the far end could be lined up to reveal the series of letters 'ASATO' (As Strong As The Oak). Endellion (knowing that this was the first half of the Grenwyrd family motto) completed the phrase with 'AFATF' (As Free as the Forest). Stepping on the stones bearing these letters allowed you all to pass through the chamber; the far wall opening up as the puzzle was completed.
In the third chamber, what appeared to have once been a trap (that would cover the intruder in bird seed and set wild birds on them) was rendered less difficult with the birds long since having died.
A chamber beyond was different than those you had encountered before. A constructed room of mid-gray stone blocks. Then the far wall moved; a stone golem standing before you. You soon realized your attacks had little effect on the creature and that there seemed to be no way out of the chamber. A clutch use of Bestow Curse from Dolly prevented the golem from attacking. Attention turned to Endellion (the rest of the party reaching the conclusion that she was the "Disappeared Grenwyrd Sister". Despite the appeals of her companions, Endellion would not budge, continuing to wait for the golem to attack before she played any cards she may have. Still, Dolly, I, Raidion, and Kelnys continued to do all they could to convince Endellion to reveal the truth of her identity to the golem. Raidion attempting to used Hypnotic Gaze to make her more amenable to the idea. He failed, but Endellion (enraged by this act) told the stone golem that she is the family Grenwyrd.
As the golem knelt and crumbled to dust, a passageway into the wine cellars of the Grenwyrd Keep was revealed.
The party (tested by infighting and mistrust) approached a wooden door, hearing voices behind it. The door was thrown open by a woman wielding a dagger and holding a hound at the end of a leash. On seeing Endellion, the dog (named Duty) leapt up, a puppy again, and began to lick his former mistress' face. With Duty's paws on her shoulders, tail wagging with joy, Endellion keeps looking at her mother.

Previous Episode: Trials of the Brothers

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submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/naturalsix@lemmy.blahaj.zone

See the characters designed by popular gaming personalities that went into the deck that Raidion cannot escape.

This short 3 minute video

is rife with potential spoilers for those with a keen eye and clever video editing skills.

Until now we had only known about Sam Lake making one of the cards. You might recognize names like Matthew Mercer, Anjali Bhimani, Neil Newbon (Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3) and Troy Baker (voice of Joel in The Last of Us).
There's also gaming enthusiasts like Jane Douglas (from Outside Xbox) in the mix and teasing more to come.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/naturalsix@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

Episode 11: Trials of the Brothers

Last time you began dancing the night away in the Orange Tree Tavern. Kelnys was cutting shapes (as I (the character, not the me) tried to ascertain what strange poison was affecting his companions) before the Kobold slipped away to his bed.
Raidion was diving deeper into his cups. Feeling invincible (as he joined Kelnys on the dancefloor) before a sudden, violent bout of vomiting signaled the end of his night. As Dolly helped Raidion upstairs to the privy, the elf passed out and Dolly took the opportunity to examine the deck of cards Raidion carries in his pack. As she did whispering voices surrounded her and filled her head before she asked,

"What are you?"
For a moment the whispers coalesced into a single word, but she couldn't ascertain if it was 'friend' or 'foe'. She replaced the cards in Raidion's pack and (with Kelnys' help) took the catatonic elf to bed.
Downstairs Endellion nursed a drink hoping Derwin Grenwyrd would appear. Eventually she headed out into the street, bumping into him as he stumbled into some bins and they shared a drink in the Orange Tree before Endellion, too, headed to bed.
The next morning, Kelnys, Endellion, and I (the character, not the me) headed to collect the supplies from the Council of Equals, while Raidion nursed a truly catastrophic hangover with Dolly (who wanted to keep a low profile having seen her description on Wanted posters across the city).
Endellion, I, and Kelnys gained access to the Council building, where Barnaby informed them of his displeasure that they could not be found in the barracks where Trusk could have offered them lodging.
The council were now in session, so Endellion hung back while the other two ventured in to retrieve the supplies. I and Kelnys (to their credit) did their very best. They attempted to assuage any doubts the council may have about their suitability for this mission. Ezra Silverkin II (a member of the council) continued to have his doubts.
I was given a brief lesson in the concept of metaphors by a dragonborn (and showed everyone how fast he could run) before the supplies were fetched and they were on their way.
Meanwhile Dolly and Raidion had been making their way out of the city until guards approached and asked Dolly to come in for questioning. After flashing the ring that showed she had the favor of Trusk, Dolly was able to turn the tables on the guards and gain an apology from them, promising to return for quesioning at a time of greater convenience. You were all reunited after I, Endellion and Kelnys made their way down to the Depths. Kelnys (spotting Vim clearly under arrest) being escorted to Baruun jail for questioning. Raidion thought it was time to get out of town.
You hit the road, heading south towards Mouse before Kelnys spotted a cart heading towards you. Onboard was a gnome who Dolly recognized as Silas, but was going by the name Marv. He was heading to Baruun with his wife Alice, with their cart (loaded with the larger possessions). Silas and Dolly spoke of their past and he told Endellion of the fall of Mouse and The Gloam (shadow will flood group) that had gathered to lay siege to Castle Grenwyrd.
You continued, making camp in the woods at night. Endellion read a letter (from the Bag of Holding) in which Riodhir Grenwyrd offered words of encouragement to his eldest son Eden. Raidion and I (TCnTM) asked Endellion more questions of her past, though she refused to offer any information.
I (TCnTM) told the story of his tribe who disappeared suddenly as he was tracking a gnome through the hills near his home. The conversation turned to friendship with Endellion reluctant to admit that any friendship existed between herself and the rest of the group. Kelnys pivoted onto spoon carving, teaching the gang about spoons, growth and mindfulness.
After a restful night, you journeyed yet further south. Happening upon an abandoned cart, piled high with family heirlooms and Dolly spotted a family of halflings hiding in the undergrowth. They were fleeing Mouse, but one of the wheels of their cart had shattered and they had been unable to journey towards Baruun in safety. You spent half a day repairing the wheel. Raidion gifting his necklace to the small halfling boy before they departed. You continued to walk towards Mouse.
As night fell, you happened upon a tavern full of villagers making their way north. Among them was Paddy, a baker who Endellion recognized from her childhood. After you revealed your mission, Paddy offered you day-old pastries and sorted you out with a prime spot by the fire. Raidion gave the baker the key to Jesco's in Baruun and told him it was the perfect place to establish a business.
When you woke the next morning, the villagers had a whip round for a few coins and brought you another bag of old pastries. You graciously declined the money, you graciously accepted the pastries, and continued your journey.
Half a day from Mouse, you encountered a party on the road. Four cloaked figures flanking a family of orcs that dragged a hand cart. As you walked closer, Kelnys spotted the mother orc mouth the word "help". This information was passed on to Dolly and a questioning of these cloaked figures began. One human took the lead insisting they were all from Mouse and journeying north together for safety. After further probing and a little intimidation, the situation culminated in Raidion casting Magic Missile on the leader and Kelnys joining the attack. After a clutch use of Silvery Barbs from Dolly and an arrow to the cheek from Endellion, the combatants admitted to trying to extort the orcs and were stripped of their possessions and clothes, scurrying semi naked into the forest.
At last you approached Mouse on the fringes of the Distal Woods. You made camp in the woods in preparation for the next stage of your journey and that's where we are now. Night is falling fast in these woods.

Previous Episode: The Kindness of Strangers

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[Spoilers Episode 9] (i.postimg.cc)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/naturalsix@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

Episode 9: The Prisoner in the Attic

Last time we began in a plaza on The Crest, buildings blazing, flames flickering high into the winter night. I (the character, not the me) watched horrified as Grawnoth was stabbed and fell before his assailant disappeared in a curl of smoke. The kobold dropped to all fours and dashed towards the stricken Antiqua, passing Kelnys (Wildshape-d into a 'larger than average' black cat). As I reached Grawnoth, he smelled a mineral, metallic smell where the smoke from the assassin still lingered in the air.
Brunhilda arrived and cradled the Antiqua's body, a healing potion doing nothing to bring the dwarf back. Soon Dolly, Endellion, and Kelnys (back in his true form) began to figure out an escape as I leapt up the walls of the plaza and tried to spot the diminutive assassin as they fled. He was met by upturned faces as those in The Deal watched flames bloody the sky. A group of guards headed up to fight the fire. As I returned with what he had learned, Dolly insisted that fleeing the scene was the best course of action.
Meanwhile, Raidion was investigating the final at the end of the row (already burning, thanks to Endellion's efforts) he made his way inside, briefly battling with a pair of blood-sucking surges (D4 reference?) before (driven by growing whispers from his mysterious deck of cards) he attempted to use the deck as kindling, casting a fiery Chromatic Orb before the deck reflected the damage of the spell back at him. I (who had gone searching for Raidion so that the party could escape together) spotted the wizard as flames licked up his chest. The kobold leapt into action dampening the flames and dragging Raidion into the shadows.
As Dolly, Kelnys, and Endellion scurried into Grawnoth's estate, I cast Silent Image to create a large ornamental plant pot, which obscured he and Raidion from the guards. They (Dolly, Kel, Endel) hurriedly arrived on the plaza as Brunhilda (still holding Grawnoth's body) gave orders to the guards. I created the sound of screaming from the far buildings allowing the party to sneak away.
Wearing I's Cloak of Many Fashions Raidion attempted to pass as a guard but was pushed from pillar to post by Brunhilda and the other guards before he eventually made his way to join the others on the walkway.
Together you fled The Crest as the sky burned and decided to head for the one place you felt you could hide until things blew over; Casper's hideout.
On arriving, Endellion caused the wall to fade and you were struck by a familiar metallic smell. I recognized it as the aromas in the smoke after the disappearance of Grawnoth's assailant and as you descended the stairs, you were met by Medea. Scrawling in a book, her face streaked with blood, sat amongst the bodies of Casper, Juno and Goff. You battled with Medea in the cellar, Dolly forced to attack her companions (though Endellion restored the tiefling to her senses by slamming her head into a crate). I (falling for the first time before being brought back by Kelnys) and with the help of Calum the Wolf, a first successful use of Hypnotic Gaze (by Raidion), and an imaginative use of Medea's prized murder journal, you eventually bested the halfling.
Studying the journal, Kelnys learned that Medea had been keeping Rasheed, a dwarf, captive in the apothecary. You searched the bodies of the dead, finding a set of Goggles of the Night, a Perfume of Bewitching and clutch of expired potions. This done, you settled down to take a rest before I (the character not the me) crucially took a dagger to the eyes of Medea.
That is where we are now, fire still flickering in the grate. The bodies have been rolled up in bed rolls and pushed to one side. It is quiet. It is still. The blood staining the flagstones around you.

Previous Episode: The Bodies and the Book

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[Spoilers Episode 10] (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/naturalsix@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

Episode 10: The Kindness of Strangers

Last time we began in the aftermath of the fight with Medea. The bodies of Casper's former chapter wrapped in bedrolls in the corner of the basement of the abandoned apothecary.
As you prepared to rest for the night, Kelnys made one last search of the bookshelves and discovered Juno's Spellbook among the potion bottles, allowing Raidion to add another wizard spell to his list. Dolly took Endellion to one side and they shared a hushed conversation as Kelnys, I and Raidion cleared away the debris of battle with Medea and prepared to sleep. As Endellion and Dolly returned to the group, you began to talk about family; Kelnys revealing that he had not seen his for many years, toying with a pendant around his neck as he did so. That night you slept among the bodies and awoke as Level 5 adventurers.
The next morning you emerged into Baruun, the city suffused with rumor after the events of the past few days. I (the character, not the me) picked the lock that held the doors of Jesco's closed and you entered the abandoned apothecary. Kelnys found some coins in the till, though not very many, and slid a door across to reveal a room filled with Medea's possessions. Kelnys recovered his scimitar and I was gifted a set of (potentially gamebreaking) boots as Raidion sounded Endellion out regarding the possibility of a later shopping trip.
You ascended a flight of stairs (Raidion being pushed down a few after Endellion debuted her goggles of the night) and opened a door at the top to reveal a chained figure. It was Rasheed, member of the Council of Equals. You tended to the dwarf and he told you how he had been attacked by Medea but had been kept alive forming a strange relationship with the halfling in the hope he could save her. Having been told of the death of Grawnoth, he was keen to return to his post in the council. After I had a brief existential crisis (after failing to fade the secret entrance to the basement), Raidion encountered Evandris (a nauseating lifestyle guru) you reunited to guide Rasheed towards The Crest and the Council building.
As you ascended, you encountered Eleanora Obsidian (half-elven member of the council who recognized Rasheed and (torn between relief that he was safe and a desire to swiftly reunite him with Trusk and the others) tried to hurry the exhausted dwarf along).
As Dolly insisted that she give Rasheed more time, Eleanora revealed that Lode (The Dwarven Capital) had fallen to a mask-wearing cult who called themselves The Gloam.
As you hurried into the council building, you heard a furious argument from Grenwyrd's chambers before you were ushered in to see Trusk, who embraced Rasheed and told you more about The Gloam. They had also attacked Brack and were laying siege to the Grenwyrd estate (a fortress that guards the small town of Mouse).
After some discussion, Trusk asked whether you might be able to deliver supplies to Mouse to help the Grenwyrd's break the siege. Despite the seriousness of the moment, Raidion couldn't help but notice a certain 'je ne sais quoi' between himself and the High Advocate. As you found a quiet room to discuss your next move, Raidion ruminated on what has passed between them and what might yet come to be.
Having decided that you would transport the supplies, it was decided that Raidion would speak to Trusk alone. He entered the High Advocate's chamber freshly-musked and ready for whatever may come. After confirming that the newly dead would take on the task appointed to them, he made a series of attempts to connect with Trusk on a more emotional level before a successful Insight check literally revealed that he had woefully misread the situation. Leaving with as much dignity as he could muster, Raidion reported back to the group including news that Trusk had gifted them rings that showed that they were favored by the council and by her in particular. Endellion decided she wanted to see whoever was left in Grenwyrd's chambers and slipped inside for a private conversation.
You headed to the orange tree, Kelnys spotting a wanted poster that described a pink-skinned tiefling that the guards wanted to bring in for questioning regarding a 'crime of great significance'.
After arriving at the tavern, you got various levels of 'white girl wasted'. Raidion drinking increasingly esoteric wine, egged on by Salis (a self-indulgent sommellier sufficiently sozzled...). Endellion and Raidion went on a shopping spree with the elf buying necklaces for his companions while Dolly and I returned to the hiding place where you had stashed the 'Gloam' cloaks and masks before you entered the city. You reunited at the orange tree, Kelnys dancing the night away as Raidion presented his gifts.
It is the night before, rather than the morning after. The night is spent in revelry. A little bit of relaxation after a tough few days.

Previous Episode: The Prisoner in the Attic

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[Spoilers Episode 8] (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/naturalsix@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

Episode 8: The Bodies and the Book

Last time you began at the Whispering Walker, Casper informing you that the Spider Prince had arrived in Baruun and was demanding an audience.
Clearly shaken, he led you through the streets of The Deal as night began to fall. Ascending a stairway to The Crest and arriving at a large building on a quiet plaza. He escorted you into a room in which two figures were waiting. The Spinner (lieutenant of The Web who you first met on the night you fought the basilisk) and The Spider Prince himself.
Clad in black robes with silver thread, his face obscured by a mask made of innumerable black gems.
He questioned you on the events at the top of Mount Atria, toying with a silk bag on the table as you spoke. Apparently satisfied with your answers, the Prince moved his attention towards Raidion Thornbear, demanding to know of his family. When Raidian told him that he remembered, the Prince turned towards The Spinner telling him:

"I think you're right, but I don't understand how."
I (the character not the me) told the Prince of the orbs, the words "The Shadow Will Flood", and the blight that you found at the peak of the mountain. Kelnys spoke of the child mentioned by the voices in the orbs. With all your reports made, The Spinner took the floor and told you of a new mission. You were to burn down the five buildings that share a plaza with Grawnoth's residence. The Web has been financing the expansion of the city of Baruun and debts are owed.
At this point, Raidion stepped forward telling the Spider Prince of Barabask's betrayal and stating his desire to kill the Elven Antiqua, should the opportunity ever present itself. He wished to speak privately with the Prince and the Spinner, but was summarily dismissed in this request. Dolly turned to leave before The Spinner called her back. She alone was to remain. The others shuffled out and could hear nothing before Dolly emerged, discussions having taken place.
You headed towards the plaza in order to stake out the five buildings, passing a few drunk workers who you overheard speaking of a colleague, Vim, who was as yet unaccounted for. You split up and began to investigate. Raidion
casting Disguise Self to take on the appearance of one of the drunk workers and happening to stumble upon Vim. A tiefling trying to sleep off a hangover in a pile of insulating fleece. A moving one act play followed and Vim eventually stumbled off with a belly full of booze and a heart full of hope, leaving Raidion with a set of keys he had pilfered from the tiefling's pockets.
As Kelnys overheard some of the commotion, he tripped over a pile of building materials, setting off a series of unfortunate stealth checks suffered by the party, which gradually increased the attention of Grawnoth's guards. I (tCntM) managed to throw them off the scent with a feline use of Silent Image and a little persuasion. But Brunhilda and the guards were beginning to pay attention to the growing commotion in the plaza.
After a few failed attempts to climb some trellis, Dolly started a fire at the base of one of the buildings and Kelnys summoned his
Wildfire Spirit (in the form of a pine marten called Hank) to begin a blaze in another.
Misty Stepped into an unoccupied building. I (tCntM) fell foul of a magical door knocker and Endellion enjoyed a less than ideal time in the darkness as she attempted to get to the farthest building and prepare it for ignition.
Her fire started, Dolly feigned insouciance as she headed towards Grawnoth's estate. Brunhilda and the guards emerging as one of the buildings succumbed to the flames and collapsed. Dolly cast Suggestion on Brunhilda and told the captain of Grawnoth's guard to head to the building at the farthest end of the plaza where Endellion had succeeded in starting a fire.
Meanwhile, Dolly began to plant seeds of fear into the mind of a guard, causing him to develop an aversion to a slightly larger than average black cat, which I (tCntM) had caused to appear earlier in the encounter.
By now Raidion had set another building ablaze and he dashed out to see Brunhilda, telling her that Vim had gone crazy and had been declaring his desire to burn the buildings to the ground. By this point it was only the building nearest Grawnoth's estate that was free from flames. Kelnys soon saw to this and the whole plaza was engulfed in fire and smoke.
As Brunhilda arrived at the final building, she spotted Endellion in the shadows and (flummoxed and flustered) the fighter could not give a convincing reason why she was there. Soon I (tCntM) interceded and managed to convince her to head back towards Grawnoth's estate with Endellion in tow. As they approached, Endellion and I (tCntM) saw a figure next to the gates. that led to Grawnoth's residence. I (tCntM) realized that it was Grawnoth himself emerging to inspect the blazing plaza where multiple buildings had now fallen to their foundations. As I (tCntM) looked on, a figure emerged from the shadows and plunged a knife into the Antiqua before disappearing in a whirl of smoke.
As far as the rest of you are concerned, nothing has yet changed. Endellion, you have seen this figure slump to the ground against the gate post. You've seen an assailant disappear in a curl of smoke. I, you know who it was, you know this was Grawnoth. The flames are flicking higher, licking up the sides of the walls. The three remaining burning buildings are on the verge of collapse.

Previous Episode: The Spider and the Flies

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submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/naturalsix@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

Action Surge!

Join the cast as they debrief after an extremely tense episode that started with a meeting with the Spider Prince, and only got more exciting from there. Through the flames, can they see a path forward for our heroes after losing one of their closest allies?

Harry's Favorite Part: (click)Obviously the team's interaction with Brandon. Also, the moments of levity were an extra relief, considering many of the dramatic moments woven into the episode.

RP (Rolly-Poley) Points

Alex Aoife Ben Doug Hollie
88 125 75 76 86
627 535 569 602 709

Dolly artwork by Connor (crpgoob)


The Glassworker

(Urdu: شیشہ گر, romanized: Sheesha Gar) is Pakistan's first hand-drawn animated feature film.

English Trailer

Urdu Trailer

'Glassworker' filmmakers discuss production

article by Ramin Zahed

"The poignant film tells the story of a father and son who run the finest glass workshop in a country loosely inspired by Pakistan. They find their world turned upside down when an army colonel and his young violinist daughter enter their lives."

“The idea for the film came to me in early 2014,” Usman Riaz tells Animation Magazine. “I was fascinated by glassblowing and wanted to make something around this particular craft. I was 23 years old at the time. Initially, I planned for it to be a live-action movie, because animation seemed like such a distant dream, but my wife Mariam Paracha (art director on The Glassworker and Mano co-founder) said, ‘You love animation, Usman. This should be an animated movie!’ And I said, ‘Sure, why not? How hard can it really be?’ Well, I was just about to find out.”

Soon after, Usman shared his plans with his cousin Khizer (Mano’s CEO), and together they decided to build an animation studio from the ground up to produce the movie. “The inception of the idea happened around 10 years ago,” Khizer says. “We set up in a small studio space after we raised $116,000 on Kickstarter in 2016. We finished the pilot animation and other Kickstarter rewards in early 2018. After shopping the project around, we were able to get creative consultant Geoffrey Wexler (of Studio Ghibli, Studio Ponoc and Kiyuki Inc.) and writer Moya O’Shea on board the same year. The script was completed in early 2019 and we started preproduction right after. The film was completed in the fall of 2023.”

According to the Riazes, around 450 to 500 people worked on the movie. “Khizer, Mariam and I are partners at Mano,” says Usman. “I am very grateful we got to work with a lot of wonderful, talented people in Pakistan and internationally.”

Usman storyboarded the entire film. “I drew each and every frame, like my heroes before me,” he tells us. “I needed to draw each frame in great detail to show the team exactly what I wanted. I believe that was the foundation for the film. I knew every single shot and had planned accordingly. I also animated on the film. It was all done traditionally, frame by frame, no ’tweening software was used. We wouldn’t even know how to use them if you gave them to us!”

The cousins point out that the biggest challenge was undertaking two mammoth tasks at once. “We had to create an infrastructure for a functioning animation studio alongside actually producing an animated film,” says Khizer. Adds Usman, “Making a hand-drawn animated film is not easy anywhere in the world. We did it in Pakistan where we had no help, no guidance and no infrastructure for film or animation. We just had ourselves and our conviction.”

Usman says he has been obsessed with animation since he was a young boy. “Animated movies and comic books inspired me to draw,” he shares. “There is something timeless about films that are made by hand. Four-year-old me would be very proud of what we have done!”

The director says the works of Walt Disney have been a very special source of inspiration for him. “His personal works, the films that he directed, hold a special place in my heart,” he says. “That level of artistry has not been seen and will not be seen for a very long time. My biggest influence, however, is the work of Studio Ghibli and my heroes will always be Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. There is something special about their films that I cannot describe in words. I think it’s very obvious that my work draws a great deal from these amazing people.”

Khizer says he personally loves the story of The Glassworker. “I really admire the way Usman weaved a love story during a time of war with the message that people endure no matter under what conditions they live,” he says. “Also, the animation and the background art are beautiful, and I am very proud of the quality we have been able to achieve. And the music — the score Usman and Carmine DiFlorio composed and José Carlos Campos produced — is brilliant.”

Usman says he’s quite pleased with what he and his team were able to create. “I love the fact that we were able to pull it off, and that it looks decent. No one has done something like this in Pakistan for a very good reason — it’s impossible. We achieved something that no one out of our part of the world was able to do. And to have our first film premiere at Annecy as part of the Official Competition with some of the greatest animation studios and films in the world is truly special.”
He adds, “It was amazing to have the illustrious Manuel Cristobal (Wrinkles, Bunuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles) join our project — his presence led the film to be chosen by Annecy to be a Work in Progress selection in 2022. He was an amazing partner and mentor to help us achieve our dream.”

His cousin also feels like it’s all a bit surreal. “It’s still unbelievable for me, but I’m also excited for audiences to see it starting with Annecy in June and then Pakistan on July 26th,” says Khizer. “I’m hopeful for audiences across the world to see it, and we hope to have news regarding wider distribution soon.”

Usman adds, “I honestly don’t know how I feel. I have dedicated a third of my life to this. I love this craft more than anything in the world. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever done. And I have done a lot of things: I have written and composed my own music; I have conducted orchestras; I have performed and spoken on the TED Main Stage and at conferences all over the world. Nothing has compared to this. I gave it my all. Now we will see what happens. Everything is in God’s hands now.”


This poem is not in the book shown. This was transcribed from an instagram post made on June 18, 2024.

Take your pick of politicians, out of touch so deeply.
Who crave your vote to steer our boat jump into bed to sleep li-
asing with corrupted frauds who desecrate their post.
The parliamentary parasites who wank to Thatcher's ghost.
What I really think is not politically correct.
I'm sick of seeing sycophants whose job is to perfect
The art of causing chasms and dissolving public unity.
A poison, puerile, pestilence polluting our community.
Where's the money skimmed from taxes getting siphoned for expenses?
Where's the justice for your mates who commit criminal offenses?
Where's the empathy for humans that don't look or act like you?
What are all the citizens who are in poverty to do?
Where are all the refugees who simply need our help to go?
Just stick em on a barge or plane; maintain the status quo.
Use them as an excuse for why we can't afford to heat
The homes that we will never own, the food our kids can't eat.
Pick the one who's gonna rule us with the minimum disruption.
Who'll only break the records of malfeasance and corruption.
The way that they are hollowing out Britain starts to grate.
Taking try of this country giving back the right to hate
Anyone who's black or brown disabled, queer, or working class.
A woman or an immigrant, to them the blame will pass.
If the people fight among ourselves, divided we will fall.
When we look after each other and seek liberty for all
A rising tide will lift all boats, do not let them distract
Because the people have the power and it's time for us to act.

[-] Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone 72 points 8 months ago

“I hate when people force politics into stories and media. I wish they’d do more stuff like [insert IP with well-known and/or obvious political themes and references].”

[-] Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone 36 points 8 months ago

The USPS has been abused by DeJoy, another trump appointee, who filled the fleet with more gas vehicles with less efficiency than previous models. That and removing public mail boxes for “reasons that totally didn’t have to do with mail-in voting helping Democrats win elections, promise.”

[-] Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone 46 points 8 months ago

Cubans in Florida pushing for Trump was not on my bingo card, for sure.

I also remember seeing “general chat lobby” spammers switching from the boilerplate racism tropes to Portuguese and learning about Brazilian troll farms.

[-] Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone 46 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

“Stray to Yale.”

[-] Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone 43 points 9 months ago

This is the argument that Raphael Cruz was born in Canada and shouldn’t have been a contender for the Republican nomination. I support this logic.

[-] Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone 114 points 9 months ago

We all knew what the Konservative Karen Klub was really trying to do.

[-] Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zone 56 points 9 months ago

“It is a well known fact that reality has a liberal bias.” - Steve

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