[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 69 points 4 months ago

By the way, if you're drinking more than 8 cups of coffee a day there's a good chance that you're self-medicating for ADHD and you should get checked out.

[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 66 points 7 months ago

Choosing to love Jesus makes that man happy, and that's great as long as he doesn't try to ruin other people's fun. Why is that so hard for some people to understand? Just live your own life and leave other people alone.

[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 62 points 8 months ago

It really depends whether he got the devs of "Lutris, Heroic, Legendary, Bottles, etc." to agree to use the unified runtime before starting this project. As long as he gets most of the big players to join then it will actually become the only standard worth using.

[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 125 points 8 months ago

The reason the bus driver has a seat belt and the kids don't is because the kids have a padded seat back in front of them to stop them from launching forward in a crash. The bus driver has nothing but glass and the open road in front of them to stop them from launching forward in a crash. And seat belts help protect the bus driver from the airbags as they deploy from the steering wheel which have been known to deploy so forcefully that if you're not wearing a seat belt they can kill you, and even in some extreme circumstances completely decapitate you.

Also as someone else pointed out the kids could get trapped in their seats in the event of a fire. The bus driver has a little seat belt cutting tool available to them, but in a fire they might not have time to cut 72 seat belts to free all of the kids on a big bus.

You might ask, well what if the bus rolls? It's pretty unlikely that the bus would roll because bus drivers are trained pretty extensively and have to go through periodic medical exams and driving exams to make sure they're capable of doing the job safely. Even if the bus were in a situation where it might roll, it's very bottom heavy so it would take quite a lot to get it to tip over.

[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 63 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

It's not exactly a misconception that I've ever really held, but I absolutely hate the lazy writing trope in TV/film where hitting someone over the head and knocking them out is used so commonly and casually and there are never any repercussions.

In reality, if you get hit on the head hard enough that you lose consciousness for any length of time, you're almost certainly going to suffer very serious brain damage. If you wake up at all - yes, it's quite possible you'd die from this - then you're going to have a major concussion, a huge headache, and probably a fracture in your skull and your brain will be swelling up inside your skull. It's a VERY serious injury, and yet it's just played off as this casual thing on TV and I think it's incredibly dangerous how casually it's depicted.

[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 111 points 9 months ago

I was and continue to be shocked that there are conservative Star Trek fans. I just can't wrap my head around how they justify it. It's very clearly painting socialism and left leaning ideas as the universally correct ideals which will lead us to a utopia.

[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 109 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I wonder what the same people criticizing trans health care as "mutilation of children" think of intersex babies having genital surgery forced upon them to align their genitals with gender binary ideals.

And just before anyone has a chance to say it, trans healthcare for teens is okay despite them not being able to consent because if they don't choose quickly then one of the options is going to be forced upon them.

It's like a child standing on train tracks with a train speeding toward them and the child expressing that they'd like to get out of the way while people telling them "No! You're not old enough to make that decision!"

[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 141 points 9 months ago

To those that are saying they don't see a problem with this mod. Let me put it to you this way. Instead of a mod that turned one gay woman into a straight man what if it turned one black character into a white character?

There literally was a mod like that in Stardew Valley that turned Demetrius into a white character, and it was rightfully deleted from Nexus mods. If someone has that much of a problem with a character being a different race, sex, gender, or sexual identity then they're clearly bigoted no matter what they say to the contrary.

It's gay erasure, and it's bigotry, plain and simple.

[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 71 points 10 months ago

The real secret is that they have amazing mass transit infrastructure which makes for extremely walkable cities. Only about 10% of Japanese people own a car and so they probably get way more exercise just from living day to day than the average American gets in a week.

[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 63 points 11 months ago

We're not enemies as soon as a Windows user walks in. Or... Uuuugh.... A Mac user.

[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 59 points 11 months ago

I got tired of talking about sports and cars all the time

[-] ShaunaTheDead@kbin.social 61 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

At the very least you'd think they'd get C:\> correct, but I guess whoever made that was probably on iOS or Linux.

I wonder what the CLI for "They" does. Pretty odd that it takes 8 arguments, let alone starting with an uppercase letter.


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