After my crime of calling some of them "obnoxious", I'm over it.

Go ahead and read it over.

Very little good can come from interacting, as the majority are not at all interested in civility or good-faith discussion.

It is a troll instance! That's not a joke!

Mate. That's not the obnoxious part. Posts like this are the obnoxious part.

I don't mind the general hexbear ideology in itself. Sure. You do you.

But, damn, I see more than a few of its members just being obnoxious.

[-] 113 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

P×dophiles are flocking to churches because they're unregulated by the government. They're becoming a safe haven for these sick fucks because they often attempt to handle conflict and scandals within their own walls. Also, due to a high need for childcare, often no background check is needed!

A "scandal" is bad for ~~business~~ attendance numbers, so they like to keep it quiet, if they can.

My family has gone to so many churches throughout the years, and at least 5 or 6 have had the sexual abuse of a child come to light within church leadership.

I am dead serious about this: KEEP YOUR KIDS OUT OF CHURCHES!!!!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that most clergy are not bound by laws that would make them mandated reporters for child abuse.

[-] 46 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Because when I do what I want, I get called a "retard" or asked "what the fuck are you doing?" by the people around me. I make a point to try to do things quietly (stopping to observe a cool bug, making chalk drawings on the sidewalk, saying "wheee!" on the swings, etc.), but it really doesn't matter.

I've caught glimpses of people filming me before, so I now only do what I want in privacy.

Also doesn't help that I've been accused of "doing it for attention." Nah, my dude, pretty sure I'm just fckin' autistic.

I only want people to leave me alone now. I don't like having to justify my actions when I'm just trying to enjoy myself.

anime_irl (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Yet again: I'll add the source once my brain is fully booted

anime_irl (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I'll add the source once my brain is fully booted

It's a nice sentiment, but..

This was premeditated. She needs to be held accountable and have consequences for what she willfully and knowingly did.

She literally killed people. I'm not sure this can be a case of "forgive and let her off lightly."

[-] 47 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I finally made a vague comment pushing back against my boss's fucking unhinged conspiracy theories and shitty beliefs after being forced to hear him spout it for nearly a year.

"Wow, Wayne. I thought you were against the government regulating what people should do with their bodies. Huh.. but okay."

He turned purple, didn't talk to me for the rest of the day, and never put me on the schedule after that.

Their entire business closed down a few months ago. I feel bad for were the ladies working there & my one co-worker. They were all part of the same church/religion, and they all basically cowered before Wayne. Wayne was an asshole who treated them all terribly. He was just mad that I didn't let him treat me the same way.

They also didn't want to give me more than 18 hours per week or raise my pay up from 12$ an hour for the highly specialized job I was doing.

Good riddance, Wayne.

[-] 72 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Work hours are long and grueling. Childcare is phenomenally expensive, and that's assuming you can even find childcare, which is near impossible. Children are expensive. Cost of living is high. Cheating and domestic violence are rates are high. Women have no confidence that they will be supported or be able to provide support if they decide to have a child, and they are very right to think that.

Scarce resources avaliable for women who have children is the reason for the decline. You could never pay me enough to ever have a child in Japan.

Not mention, plenty of Japanese adults grew up being abused and/or neglected by their own parents while growing up in a pressure-cooker society. Maybe they're thinking twice about bringing another human into the world because of that, as well?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Hey, so.. I may be in this situation soon, and I may just be in over my head here, but I'm a sucker who really couldn't say no to this.

This kid took care of his grandmother as she deteriorated and finally died. He was there when it happened. She had a degenerative disease and the kid's mom left him with her so she could "babysit" him, when in reality, this kid was the only one looking after her. His parent is a working single mom, so it's really not her fault, but, like.. damn.

The kid is 8 years old.

Kid's dad is just gone. Disappeared. Has been since he was tiny.

He sometimes is watched over by his aunt, but she & the nieces just literally ignore him. He says that he just sat quietly on the couch for days. They fed him and whatever, but that family has their own batshit fuckery going on. Not mentally stable, tbh. The aunt is very hostile and I think he is scared of her.

He's one of my in-law's kids (whom I don't even know well), but, like.. holy shit. He and his mom now live in the deceased grandmother's house, but she now has no one to watch over him. He has been going to work with her and being told to sit quietly and do not much else. They're now almost an hour away from his school, so he may lose that part of his stability, too.

Again.. he's 8. And holy shit, kid barely talks. He's so well-behaved and meek, it actually alarms me greatly. He used to hang out with my brother's kids, but my brother moved out of state. He came back this week and was asked to watch over the kid while he and his kids were in town. This is when I've most recently reconnected with the kid, but I've met him before when my brother was still in town.

I have room in my home. I'm a single parent, too, but I'm fortunate to work from home and have a kid who's 12 who could hang out, play video games with him, take him to the park, and whatever. I'm close to his school. I don't have much right now, but, like.. fuck, I want to give this kid a good, loving space, stability, and get him into therapy, for fucks sake.

I don't give a shit about what your opinion of the mom is. I met her like twice. I also don't plan to adopt this kid or anything (unless it really comes to that but that's not a thing right now since he obviously has a parent), but I just need advice on how I should navigate this.

Medical needs? Can I get him into therapy without trouble? Will I need the parent's permission? What should I ask her for? I'm not sure she'd be okay giving me his documents if this is temporary, but FUCK there's a lot to do. I want to do something right for this kid.

Help? Please?

He's literally pro-dictatorship. Loves the way North Korea is ruled: with absolute authority and with harsh punishments for anyone who disobeys their ruler.

The man is furious that his presidency did not grant him that. If he is elected a second time, he will aim towards dismantling democracy for his own gain.

I see people commenting that "cats are assholes, that's why she does this! LOL" which is absolutely sad to see. Lots of people are more understanding of dogs who may have past trauma, but think that cats are immune to that?

I do not know the past history of this cat. You mentioned that they lived outside prior to you adopting them. Did they get pregnant when they were very young? Their "follow and yell"-technique may signify that they see you as A). a kitten straying too far from home or B). their parent/caretaker who they are scared of leaving. Possibly even both!

In short, they are showing concern for you. This is not "asshole" behavior. If she was not affectionate with her kittens, she may see you the same way. Cats don't need to be cuddly in order to show love. This cat seems to be showing love in the only way it may know how.

Talk to the cat while you walk. Communicate back as it meows to you. She may just want reassurance that her one source of stability is not just going to disappear like lots of things in her scary life has.

Thank you for trying to understand your cat.

They had a 14-year old kid with them. That poor kid didn't deserve to have been led to his death because of the adults he had no choice but to depend on.

Imagine a spouse that is creative, loves you very much, and puts effort into your nutrition.

Now imagine someone insulting both you and your wonderful spouse because they go above and beyond the expected standard.

The fuck?

Photo Op (


[Title] Foxy Misery by LimDim

[Frame 1]

[Foxy Luckily put his arm around Foxy Misery and leans in, one arm extended holding a camera phone, ready to take a photo of both of them]

Luckily: "Hey Foxy! Let's take a picture!"

Foxy: "Err, I don't really photograph well..."

[Sound effect] Click!

[Frame 2]

[Foxy Luckily is surrounded by rainbows and butterflies and looks happy and wonderful. Foxy Misery is surrounded by darkness and gloom and looks very unflattering.]

[Frame 3]

[Foxy Luckily looks shocked]

Both: "..."

[Frame 4]

[Foxy looks Luckily in the eye and presses a button on the phone]


Hey look! Free stuff! (

My folks used to have a shop located inside of a mall. They worked hard to make it pleasant for the people who stopped in, and part of that was putting out a small fridge near the front desk and telling guests that they were free to choose from an array of sodas while they waited. It was a nice gesture.

Patrons of the mall apparently caught onto this, and my folks started getting people who was stroll in, open the fridge, take a soda, then just leave, ignoring anyone who even said hello to them. It was becoming a more and more frequent occurrence.

The last straw was when one of the staff saw a lady pointing to the store and whispering to her young kid. The kid then strolled into the store, ignored the greeting from the staff, opened the fridge, took both arms full sodas, then turned and thing without a word. Several adults came in within the next few days and did the same thing: grabbed both arms full of sodas and left.

The staff then removed the refrigerator from the lobby and kept it in the back. After that, there were large amount of people would confidently saunter in, falter when they didn't see the fridge anymore, search around a bit, and then leave, never to return again.

Some even demanded to know where the "free drinks" went, one even going so far as to ask the staff "could you go get a few for me?"

People suck.


Body is based heavily off the "Build-a-Bear" pattern, but the head is entirely self-drafted. The noses & eyes were made custom by me, as well.

The faux fur is dead-stock I had been keeping stashed away, and is one of the softest furs I've ever had the privilege of using!

"Shannon's Fabrics" minky solid fabric was used for the pawpads and muzzle.


This was taken at a traveling exhibit where I got to see items from "The Muppets", "Sesame Street", "Labyrinth", and more!


Shroompy / Mushroom Peepy is from "itemLabel", and Blitz is from "Omega Mart"


Made for my son and his friend.

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joined 1 year ago