[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 3 points 18 minutes ago

I think “very young women” are actually called “girls.”

[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 1 points 6 hours ago

Sounds like real live, actual fascism.

[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 7 points 19 hours ago

Reminds me of Martin Wolf.

MAGA is eating out the new College of Florida from inside, just as the larva of the spider wasp eats out the host in which it has been laid.

It also applies to the GOP. Hopefully it doesn’t apply to the whole USA.

[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Corporate-funded obsequious lackeys are de-civilizing our society. They’re forcing us into survival mode so we’re unable to marshal any kind of response to their tyranny.

For those of you who think AI and related technologies will be a force for good, you might refresh your understanding of the millennia of slavery that preceded our short-lived liberal era. My personal fear is that the ruling class will use technology to enslave us again.

Look how they’re behaving already, in the cold light of day, in a time when we have HD video and instant communication. In the face of super-powerful tech, we’re doomed. Even this comment I’m writing now will be scooped up by machines and used against me in the future in ways I can scarcely imagine now.

I know it’s a stretch, but the fact of dehumanizing our pregnant mothers, newborn babies, and hopeful fathers cannot be separated from the ancient propensity of the ruling class to enslave.

[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

Everything about amazon sucks.

[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 28 points 6 days ago

I wonder if this is related to the falling college enrollment for young men. I’m just speculating.

[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 90 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Let’s not forget to thank Oprah Winfrey for platforming Playboy centerfold/medical doctor Jenny McCarthy and her anti-vax nonsense in the 2000s also.

[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 125 points 4 weeks ago

Silicon Valley and dehumanization. Name a more iconic duo. Seriously, though. Every part of the human estate that technologists touch turns to shit or gets pilfered. Throw this on the pile.

[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 68 points 1 month ago

If Americans are too poor to shop at the dollar store, I guess we might actually have to eat the rich.

[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 91 points 1 month ago

No we haven’t. There’s still that big ELECTION we have to win. Please vote on November 5th so we can reach the other end of the bridge.

[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 120 points 1 month ago

If you can’t take it, don’t dish it.

[-] SGGeorwell@lemmy.world 76 points 2 months ago

I’m legitimately sad. What a nice man he seemed to be.

CTA fails us again (lemmy.world)

Are we supposed to slip onto the tracks and just grab onto the train? Is it safe for us to ride to work clutching the windshield wipers? How much does salt cost? What’s Dorval Carter’s salary again? Will dignity ever return to the CTA? Should we use one of the hollowed-out insane screaming passengers as a sled? Who has salt? When does accountability happen?

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