Stollen from Lemmy.

sigh I’m not happy I’m doing this either; maybe it’s the stress

I know the trope that this is playing on. I’m in collections myself for a lot of money for a partial heart attack scare (monitor your potassium levels!). It just feels icky to me since sexual assault of hospital patients absolutely does happen.

I guess for me it’s one thing to portray a doctor with a cheese grater (or the tens of other absurd variations on this meme) compared to an honestly more plausible sexual assault.

Then the double whammy of states just not helping women who want to carry to term but can’t.

All to say I see what the meme was aiming for, but I don’t love being raped as a punchline.

[-] 100 points 1 week ago

Am a woman - can confirm. It’s such a self own it’s laughable. They didn’t want a partner in the true sense to begin with.

[-] 76 points 1 month ago

Tangential but also relevant; I worked in a larger construction company until a year ago and it was multi state. Imagine my surprise when word spread that the FBI was looking for an employee in another department regarding 1/6. Before Jan 6 he had been filmed jumping up on a table at the local Costco with a megaphone and spewing filth.

There are always signs.

Mountain Framing (

Taken on iPhone 12, so nothing special, and not recent (as evident by the snow capped mountains). I still come back to this as my favorite picture. I have quite a few CA nature photos that I’ve had the privilege of taking, but this is my favorite.

[-] 84 points 5 months ago

I’ll be a minority voice considering the other comments. But maybe just pay for onlyfans or whatever you guys use. I’m a generally attractive woman (I can surmise from interactions while trying to date) and I really don’t like the idea that my likeness would be used for something like this. Get your jollies off, but try and be a bit consensual about it. Is that so much to ask?

Remembered only as Jack (

Inspired by a Star Trek meme post. We had some amazing reoccurring actors that you might not have recognized.

[-] 108 points 6 months ago

That’s one way to get back into the EU ¯\(ツ)


I listen to the 25th anniversary orchestration more than I should, so I’m always happy to see more!


A recent thread reminded me of a video editor I watched back in the day. I recommend checking out the channel if you watched a lot of Clasilsic Who :)

[-] 81 points 10 months ago

It's a long video posted by YouTube creator HBomberguy regarding plagiarism on YouTube. If you watch/listen to video essays on YouTube it's worth a play.

TL;DW- it's a longstanding issue of ripping practically verbatim sections of other people's work without proper sourcing. There were a few larger named channels put forth as evidence. I know at least one of the plagarist has since turned off comments on his videos.

[-] 70 points 10 months ago

This dipshit was born in California, I guess he just thought it was a coincidence most of our main cities have Spanish names ¯\(ツ)

[-] 72 points 10 months ago

That was a really insightful comment, for a fish.

[-] 65 points 11 months ago

My apologies, I truly didn't mean anything along those lines. It is an important feature of the musical, but that's hard to describe in a four panel Yu-Gi-Oh meme. If that's the consensus though, I'm happy to remove.

Music(rule) (
cowboy commiseration rule (
[-] 194 points 1 year ago

I was so stuck on Loss I nearly missed mitosis

a rule theory (

I swear I applied the sauce, just not enough. (It's never enough)


This scene has always been a favorite of mine, considerably apt in this timeframe.

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joined 1 year ago