[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 11 points 1 week ago

I had forgotten about this game. It was a fun time. I think there was a Jungle Strike also

The last memory I have of Desert Strike going to a local video game and card game place (Heebeegeebees in Ogden, Utah before they expanded) with some of my siblings and buying this for some portable system (GBA?) and starting to play.

I then heard the owner (who was still in the shop back then) say “We can do this the easy way or the hard way”. It had transpired that one of my siblings had tried to steal something. Cops got called, fun times.

For those curious, the rumor was that the easy way was police and the hard way was him chasing you with a bat

[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 7 points 3 weeks ago

I feel like not wanting to do the work for certain Steam games is what keeps me on windows for my personal use (work makes the decision on my work machine).

I know it’s possible, I just don’t want to do the work

[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 48 points 3 weeks ago


When Brazil's goalie Julio Cesar prepared to blast a goal kick during last Tuesday's game against Mexico, fans raised their pitch and, just before the point of contact, took a big collective breath and screamed the Spanish word for male prostitute or whore.


[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 292 points 3 weeks ago

I wish the Headline was more accurate.

Reading the story, he wasn’t arrested for blocking a handshake, he started forcibly dragging the superintendent to the back of the stage

[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 8 points 3 weeks ago

For me meds halp me feel in control again. I still get sad, mad, etc, but it feels like they are for valid reasons rather than just ‘because’.

Could be that now the beast is tamed, he is stressed because of problems the beast helped cause

[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 4 points 1 month ago

So this might make the borg less threatening, but I feel like it would infuriate these explorers. ‘What do you mean you don’t want to talk to us anymore’?

[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 5 points 1 month ago

I’m a 35 year old man who has dealt with various mental health issues for years. Mine are more caused by physiological things, and I understand that you’re husbands seems to be more trauma related, but I hope this helps

For me what has helped is a change of perspective. When I started dealing with mental health issues about 15 years ago, at first I was hesitant to medication because I didn’t want ‘fake happiness’ or a pill that changed my personality. Some of that comes from not wanting to feel weak.

What I have come to learn with mental health is the correct treatment does one thing - puts me back in control. My anti depressant doesn’t ’make me happy’ or ‘keep me from getting sad’. What it does do is prevent episodes of depression and lethargy that I can’t control or don’t have a cause.

My ADHD medication doesn’t take away my odd personality, it just puts me back in control of what I focus on and how.

What I’m getting at is that mental health treatments can too easily be viewed as a ‘fix a mood’ treatment, which they aren’t. When done right, they help you be more like yourself and put you back in control.

As a husband and father, I’ve come to realize how my mental disorders (when not handled properly) negatively affect my family. Your husband sounds like a man who values that role as husband. It might help him to know that seeking these treatments will help him be a better husband. I was off my meds for a bout a year and saw the affect on my family, which was the catalyst for me.

If your cars transmission wasn’t working correctly and you had a hard time switching gears (like depression can be in people) working on it wouldn’t be lazy or your fault or giving up. I. The same vein, working on mental health because your brain is having a hard time shifting is certainly not defeatist.

Hope this helps and hope you two are able to get through this together

[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 8 points 1 month ago

Next he can install Skyrim and all the mods. ALL THE MODS!!!

[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 5 points 1 month ago

All I can think of is alien adolescents reprogramming them to mess with humans. Fake invasion messages, alien memes. Like cowtipoing, but screwing with humans instead

[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 3 points 2 months ago
[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 5 points 2 months ago

Yeah, my understanding is the NSA stores all encrypted texts they intercept so when they can get a good quantum computer they can break them.

Glad groups like signal have started updating their encryptions to help handle that

[-] MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip 16 points 2 months ago

I get the joke but I actually love this thought.

If you keep having issues with people or service, check yourself, manage yourself.

submitted 2 months ago by MidnightBanjo@lemmy.zip to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

For me it’s quantum computing - especially considering its impact on most current encryption methods

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