[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 35 points 3 months ago

May I introduce you to the Kei-Truck?

[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 26 points 11 months ago

Dude was saying that 8 is good, but people still think of version 5 when talking about PHP. Not recommended to still use in 2023.

[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 39 points 1 year ago

The US won because of its truly massive industrial base that was equipped to develop and churn out military materials at a rate that is simply mind boggling.

[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 56 points 1 year ago

They are not mutually exclusive, tbf.

[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 53 points 1 year ago

I only pirate because it is more convenient than any alternative.

The best example I experienced was when I tried to watch an apple tv original show with my cousin (who has family access to the service). He wanted to log in to his account on my laptop and needed to verify his dad's credit card to do so. No problem, but it took a while. After that we still couldn't watch, because the player didn't load the video for some reason. Cue my cousin fiddling about trying to fix the issue.

In the meantime I had started to download the first two episodes and copied it on a thumb drive.

[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 21 points 1 year ago

Playing loud music in a packed commuter train, watching tok tiks while watching a movie in the cinema, using both armrests when they have the window seat.

[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 41 points 1 year ago

As a web dev: if you want to limit the input to a specific set (male, female, other) USE A FUCKING SELECT FIELD! Text input is just objectively wrong here.

And if you want to allow for a broad spectrum of genders without discrimination why is it validated?

[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 32 points 1 year ago

Ja ach, dieses Argument "nur weil ich meinen Konsum reduziere rette ich nicht die Welt" ist doch einfach von Grund auf Schwachsinn. Klar, wenn einer alleine sein Verhalten ändert, wird uns das nicht vor der Klimakatastrophe retten. Aber eine Gesellschaft besteht aus vielen Individuen, wenn diese jetzt alle weniger Auto fahren/Fleisch essen/Fast Fashion konsumieren/etc. dann ergibt sich daraus automatisch ein signifikanter Effekt. Leider ist es sehr schwierig, alle Teile der Gesellschaft von Verzicht zu überzeugen.

[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 24 points 1 year ago

A normal set of calipers has 3 basic modes of measuring things: inside, outside, and depth. It is amazing to me how many people in this thread don't know at least one of those or use them wrong.

[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 28 points 1 year ago

Yeah, nah. A standoff looks cool, adds tension, gives the goodie and baddie time to talk or to be silent (menacingly). But apparently they weren't used much irl. From Wikipedia:

The image of two gunslingers with violent reputations squaring off in a street is a Hollywood invention.

[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 46 points 1 year ago

If you are walking you're either poor or up to no good, in both cases we don't want you around these parts. Oh, your kids need to walk? Don't be lazy and DRIVE them where they need to go!

[-] FleetingTit@feddit.de 44 points 1 year ago

Genau, wer mit angepasster Geschwindigkeit fährt und ausreichend Sicherheitsabstand hält wird keinen derartigen Unfall verursachen. Da können die die Verkehrsbedingungen untersuchen wie sie wollen, Schuld bleibt der BMW Fahrer.

Ich habe mir vor allem mal diesen Frankenschnellweg auf der Karte angeschaut: die erste "Kreuzung" kommt erst mehr als 3km nachdem die Autobahn keine mehr ist.

submitted 1 year ago by FleetingTit@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
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