[-] Dempf@lemmy.zip 5 points 3 days ago

It is good and reasonable to be continually skeptical of the people and organizations we get involved with, and I appreciate your warning and looking out for bad organizations.

On the other hand, my experience in politics leads me to believe that if you sit around waiting for the perfect allies, you will usually be waiting alone for a very long time.

Looking at this group, it looks like in my state (Utah) they have been key support for a couple of well respected local nonprofits that have done great work on RCV and anti gerrymandering. That doesn't sound like such a bad thing to me.

I think it's a mistake generally to view Republicans as the enemy. Even if they are in a leadership role like in the RNC. For example, in Utah, nothing gets done without Republican approval. So saying "I won't work with you because you're Republican" here is a losing strategy to make changes. And we now have the beginnings of progress on RCV.

So I think we should continue to be vigilant and watch out for the first signs that people are acting in bad faith. But if we want our ideas to be popular, we are going to need to learn to (without compromising our own values) build a bigger tent.

[-] Dempf@lemmy.zip 12 points 4 days ago

I mean Lemmy is also a bit of a cesspool at times, but it's home now at least.

[-] Dempf@lemmy.zip 2 points 4 days ago

I heard there used to be raves out there 15 years ago.

[-] Dempf@lemmy.zip 3 points 5 days ago

CCL is another good one that gets a lot done on not a huge budget. Let's just say the fossil fuel lobbyists are way better funded than us. (Donations here, though donating time arguably helps even more, and CCL will train you how to lobby Congress)

[-] Dempf@lemmy.zip 29 points 2 weeks ago

Eating some more fiber so that I can get my ELO up

[-] Dempf@lemmy.zip 26 points 3 months ago

Based admin.

[-] Dempf@lemmy.zip 30 points 3 months ago

But now you can't receive useful alerts like "gry Toyt" (was a real alert that went out).

submitted 3 months ago by Dempf@lemmy.zip to c/gardening@lemmy.world

Is this due to root rot? Temps? Or something else? Leaves have been curling down due a few weeks, and now they are starting to droop and dieback quickly over the last few days. There is some new growth still though. Do I need to uproot it and check / cut roots?

[-] Dempf@lemmy.zip 29 points 6 months ago
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Dempf@lemmy.zip to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world


I've had to switch back to my old phone (a now venerated Pixel XL) briefly because my Pixel 5a motherboard failed overnight.

When I click restore purchases in Sync I just get an "Error validating" toast.

Scenario (steps to reproduce)

  1. Unsure....use a Pixel XL? Use Android 10?
  2. Click "Restore purchases" on any screen that allows it like the setup screen, or from the settings menu.


"Error validating" toast

Device information

Sync version: v23.09.13-18:19    
Sync flavor: googlePlay    

View type: Slides    

Device: marlin    
Model: Google Pixel XL    
Android: 10
[-] Dempf@lemmy.zip 63 points 8 months ago

Yeah not a fan of it for all of the reasons you stated.

[-] Dempf@lemmy.zip 33 points 9 months ago

My Jellyfin server.

[-] Dempf@lemmy.zip 27 points 10 months ago

WTF, that entire work environment seems so messed up and sexist.

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joined 10 months ago