[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 4 points 3 days ago

It was the "refusal to learn" bit that threw me.

Nothing wrong with not liking a language or having no use for it, but "refusing to learn" implies that there are good reasons to learn and resources to do so, but they refuse to, regardless. Or maybe that's just my own inference.

Anyway, sorry for being presumptuous. Hard day at work followed by a hard day at home. It's safer to be rude to strangers online than to people I have to deal with regularly IRL.

[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 10 points 3 days ago

Wait, you prefer someone who's willfully ignorant and intentionality hampers their ability to communicate with most of the world?

Do you also prefer someone who proudly proclaims that they don't read books?

[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 70 points 1 month ago

The obvious answer is to abandon GaaS as a concept and focus making more great single player games like the ones that put Playstation into a clear lead in this generation of the console wars.

However, we've seen that a massive failure in the space isn't enough to deter the truly greedy coughWBcough, so who knows?

[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 149 points 2 months ago

"The issue" that needs addressing is the obsession our governments have with spying on us.

[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 57 points 5 months ago

Oh, console/PC without a doubt. Mobile development, at least in my experience, is a constant struggle for relevance and a nonstop sense of urgency. Creativity is only allowed if it answers the question "how can we better trick players into giving us their money?"

Console/PC development, however, is focused on making a good product that will last. Nobody ever asks "how much money will this feature make us?" At worst, the question is "how much will this feature drive engagement?"

I've only worked for major companies, so my experiences don't reflect what it's like at indies.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip to c/thelyricsgame@lemmy.ca

Thought I'd make my first submission here an easy one.

[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 86 points 5 months ago

One extremely important factor that this article neglects to address: Valve is a private company - it's not publicly traded in Wall Street. That is the reason Steam has remained the best in the business; it's not beholden to shareholders' short-sighted meddling. It's also the reason Steam is effectively immune to enshittification.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

I keep seeing posts from this instance referring to capitalists as liberals. Since when are capitalism and liberalism related? As far as I've always known, liberalism is a social ideology, while capitalism is an economic system.

Why do y'all refer to all capitalists as liberals when at least half (probably more, at least in my experience) are conservatives?

I, for example, consider myself a liberal, but I'm most certainly not a capitalist. I'm stuck in a capitalist society in which I have to play by the rules if I want to feed my family, but that's as far as my support for the system goes. I'm pretty sure a lot of Americans feel this way.

Looking it up, the definition of liberalism specifies a belief in maximum personal freedom, especially as guaranteed by a government. Considering that 90% of governments in the world are endlessly corrupt, capitalist or not, I'd much prefer one that guarantees its citizens rights as a matter of course rather than begrudgingly grants them privileges that can be taken away without public oversight.

Do y'all really trust your governments to look after your best interests? As a U.S. American, I know I wouldn't trust my government or politicians to do anything but enrich themselves at my expense, but I don't have to; my rights are guaranteed by our constitution.

Now if we could just get them to stop funding and committing genocide...

EDIT: So many incredibly well thought-out and researched responses! I have a lot of reading and thinking to do, so thank you all for your input. I'll likely be referring back to this post for a while as I learn more about the world outside my U.S.-centric bubble. My biggest takeaways from all this after a quick perusal of the replies are that liberalism has a very different meaning outside the U.S. and has a lot more to do with private property, especially land ownership, than I'd thought.

My time is limited and there are so many responses that I likely won't be replying to (m)any any time soon, but know that I appreciate all the knowledge bombs y'all have dropped.

[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 95 points 9 months ago

You know who's really mutilating kids' genitals? Any doctor who performs medically unnecessary circumcisions on infants.


It's a Tran, Zach, Shen trans action transaction.

[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 79 points 11 months ago
  • With the exception of any article that's even slightly political.
[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 78 points 1 year ago

If someone tells you they don't care about pronoun usage, believe them. I'm nonbinary and don't care what pronoun people use for me, because I identify as both male and female. Most people default to "he" for me because of my beard, but others use "they" because of my proclivity for wearing skirts, nail polish, and lipstick. Rarely I'll have someone use "she" (or I'll use it myself), but ultimately, I'm just a person who exists outside of the gender spectrum (or right in the middle), and pronouns are just a grammatical tool to save time, so I prefer that people use whatever comes most naturally to them.


Just something I've been thinking about lately:

Having been a straight-passing (I'm bi) white male in the U.S., I was part of the country's "default" community. Because of that (and because I've never really identified with classically masculine interests), I never really felt like I had any real community to call my own. I was a bit of a hermit, only interacting with others when I had to.

But now that I've found myself as nonbinary and started presenting as such, for the first time in my life, I feel like I belong. I've never felt such a deep, intrinsic connection to strangers as when I meet another trans person. I've never felt such love and acceptance as when I first came out to my trans friends.

So, thank you all for being who you are, and thank you for accepting me for who I am. I love each and every one of you. 💖

[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 158 points 1 year ago

Fox News. Televangelists. Trump.

Religion can be a very positive tool to bring communities together and support one another, but capitalism means exploitation, and nothing's easier to exploit than blind faith.

My Story (lemmy.zip)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

Wall of text incoming. TL;DR - Love (and cannabis) can change the world

This isn't something I'm proud of, but it's important not to deny who we were, lest we lose sight of who we are.

I very recently had an awakening that started with self-reflection and has continued into what some might call spiritual enlightenment.

Go back a decade or so ago, and you'd see a version of me much closer to who I am today. Somewhere during that decade, I got heavily into conspiracy theories. This put me into a very negative space, as it caused me to see everything with a suspicious eye, always looking for deeper, hidden meaning and not just accepting the chaotic nature of reality.

Despite this, I found love. I became a husband and a father.

Then COVID hit and all my hair-brained theories and predictions started to come true, as far as I saw it.

The Internet started to shun people like me, putting us in the same group as bigots and far-right extremists. More proof I was always right. I was effectively forced out of Reddit and into far-right forums, as they were the only places not censoring the conspiracy theory content I wanted.

This pushed me into a much, much more negative space, as now I had my conspiracy theory discussions in the context of forums filled with bigots.

I spent nearly every waking minute in those forums, desperately trying to find meaning in the chaos.

Even though I still considered myself liberal-minded, and even though every person in my life was a positive, progressive influence, I started to agree with those bigots in the forums. By the end of COVID lockdowns, I was a fully-fledged transphobe, believing that the wonderful societal progress we've seen these past few years was actually a conspiracy to weaken humanity in preparation for The Great Reset.

I couldn't discuss my theories with the people in my life for fear they'd reject me. I began to alienate family and friends, removing the last few positive influences in my life, which only pushed me deeper into my delusions.

It took the indiscriminate love of strangers (and, admittedly, a lot of cannabis) to put me into the right state of mind to finally turn my overanalytical, cynical eye inward, and I didn't like what I saw.

I went all-in on my first-ever Tarot reading, desperately trying to find meaning in the chaos within, and I came out the other side a new man.

It took the unconditional love of a lifelong friend who'd recently come out as trans (and, again, a lot of cannabis) to bring me back into that receptive state of mind, and during a deep conversation with them, everything fell into place. I came out of that conversation a new nonbinary individual.

Now I look back to the person I was, and I barely recognize him. He was filled with hate, though he thought it was love. His mind was closed, though he thought it was open.

He was the worst version of me.

I can't deny who I used to be. I can only learn from my mistakes and surround myself with the love of family, friends, even coworkers and strangers on the internet.

[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 57 points 1 year ago

Wow, that blog post is truly nauseating and infuriating to read, knowing the context.

Fuck Google. They're the Nestlé of tech.

[-] BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip 193 points 1 year ago

Two questions to ask yourself:

  1. Does it make you happy?

  2. Does it hurt anybody (yourself included) in any way (including financially)?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip to c/lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org

I've recently begun going through a bit of a personal renaissance regarding my gender, and I realized my numbers-focused brain needs something to quantify gender identity, both for myself and so I can better understand others. I also just don't like socially-constructed labels, at least for myself.

So, using the Kinsey Scale of Sexuality as inspiration, and with input from good friends, I made up my own Gender Identity Scale.

  • Three axes: X, Y, and Z
  • X: Man (not necessarily masculinity), 0 to 6
  • Y: Woman (not necessarily femininity), 0 to 6
  • Z: Fluidity, 0 to 2
  • X and Y axes' numbers go from 0 - not part of my identity to 6 - strongly identify as
  • Z axis's numbers go from 0 - non-fluid to 2 - always changing

Example: The average cis-man is 6,0,0, the average cis-woman is 0,6,0, and a "balanced" nonbinary person might be 3,3,1, or 0,0,0, or 6,6,2..

Personally, I think I'm about a 3,2,1 - I don't have a strong connection to either base gender, but being biologically male, I do identify a bit more as a man. I also feel that I'm somewhat gender-fluid, but not entirely so. I honestly don't fully understand gender fluidity yet, so the Z-axis may require some tweaking.

Does this make sense? Can you use this to accurately quantify your own gender identity? I wanna know!


I got Diablo IV last week and played a lot over the weekend. After 40+ hours (thank you, four day weekend), I realized I wasn't enjoying myself, and was just trying desperately to justify the money spent.

I intentionality avoided news about it, hoping to enjoy finding things out for myself. I now very much regret my willful ignorance. I definitely would've passed on the game if I'd known beforehand that it was effectively an MMO. Forced multiplayer, an open world with too many activities, content balanced for groups of players, endless side quests, and cookie-cutter dungeons. But hey, it has horses! And dodging!

My disappointment is immeasurable and my week is ruined.

On the bright side, it reminded me how much I love Diablo 3. I've been playing that the last couple days to get the bad taste out of my mouth.

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